Dr. Kisha Christian is among the 21 Women To Watch in the US Virgin Islands in 2023. She is also a co-author of the Bestselling book, Passion, and Purpose: 21 Inspiring Stories from Women in the US Virgin Islands on Business, Leadership, and Life
Dr. Kisha Christian, a native Virgin Islander, owns Neighborhood Pharmacy. Dr. Christian’s passion resulted in her receiving several awards, including the Citizenship Award for volunteer work in Georgia, Pharmacist of the Year – Target Corp, Employee of the Year – Target Corp, Small Business of the Year – The Chamber of Commerce, and The Ken Wurster Community Leadership Award.
My chapter, “Resilience,” is a testament to courageous women who have a vision of what they want, work hard for it, and will not take no for an answer, even in the face of undeniable struggle.
What inspired you to write this story and contribute to the book?
I want to inspire other women that look like me that they may be going through similar situations.

“From my chapter, I hope readers gain inspiration to pursue a dream or goal they have been working towards but keep getting told no.”
Neighborhood Pharmacy, Kisha Christian