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Compiled by Cheryl Peavy

Most people pleasers don’t even recognize their behavior until they have finally had enough! If you are tired of saying “Yes”, when you mean “No” then this book was written with you in mind. 15 phenomenal women come bold and fierce and share their powerful stories of what it was like living their lives for others. My Turn! My Terms! #zeropeoplepleasing


Get ready to be set free and live your life for YOU!


Speaker and Inner Life Coach, Cheryl’s passion is to help women from diverse backgrounds, who are faced with life-traumatic situations, heal from within. Through self-development, love, encouragement and support, the result is an abundance of personal growth and transformation.

About the Author

Cheryl Peavy is the founder and CEO of She Is You I Am You, Powerful Perseverance Peavy, LLC and He Is For You.

What inspired you to write this book?

The loss of my mother and grandmother two weeks apart. I realized during this traumatic experience that I didn’t know who I was. I realized that I lived my life pleasing others.

I wasted so many years of pretending to be someone I wasn’t. It is time to take off the mask and Be You! Love You! Live your life for You!


 What do you want readers to take from it?

They don’t have to live their life pleasing others. That they can live their life on their own terms. Having a better relationship with themselves and others. Most importantly; it is okay to say “NO”


What’s next for you? To continue to write, help women love who they are create the life of their dreams and walk in their greatness.  Planning my very first Live Conference for women.




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