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What’s not to love about Kenise Etwaru! Simply put, she is an enhancer.

Whether you are trying to improve your business, relationships, and/or your relationship with God Almighty—Kenise is the woman for it! Kenise is a new author and is taking all those she comes in contact with by storm with her new book, The Good Wife and The Other Woman. In this book, she walks one through how they come out whole and a winner after a bad divorce! Listen in on our candid conversation with this amazing woman!

Who is Kenise at her core?

I am a mother, HR Executive, worship minister, author, speaker, musician and recording artist.

Why are you so passionate about helping others?

I was raised with the mindset to do unto others what you would want them to do unto you. I feel we are placed on this earth to help others and not be selfish to only think of ourselves. I also believe that everyone goes through different experiences to share with those around them. Before going to a high-end restaurant, people like to check out the “reviews”…they like to see what others have experienced at that restaurant….I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned in my experiences in hope that it will help to empower, shape and touch the lives of people around me.

Are you open to mentoring?

I’ve been a mentor from a very young age, so yes, I love being a mentor and I’m open to being a mentor.

Tell us about your businesses?

I have an executive coaching and HR consulting businesses where I work with companies in New York in building their HR departments or work on various projects. I work with C-Suite executives in helping them with compensation studies and also how to market themselves when looking for a new opportunity.

What’s next for Kenise personally?

I would like to begin dating again. It’s been 7 years since my divorce and I think I’m ready for a relationship. I would like to find someone to join me on this journey called life.

Tell us about your coaching practice?

Right now I do one on one executive coaching with individuals that are looking for a career change, update their CV’s, negotiate salaries, etc.


What does it take to have a successful business?

Commitment, Drive, Patience and a support system.

How do you handle setbacks?

Every set back is a learning experience. I take a deep breath, dry my tears, maybe get a massage or go shopping, then I look to see what I learned from the setback and keep pushing. There’s always plans B to Z remaining.


What is the greatest lesson that you have learned in business?

To be trustworthy. People entrust you with their money, time, etc., in return, they trust me with their time, money, information, etc.

What advice would you give to that person who’s business is no doing so great and wants to give up?

If the person is passionate about building their dream business, then the words “give up” is not apart of their vocabulary. I would tell them that there are times when they will feel like nothing is happening, but you still have to keep pushing and then give them examples of people such as Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, etc. Push Until Something Happens (PUSH).

You’re also an author, tell us about your book, The Good Wife and the Other Woman?

The Good Wife and the Other Woman is a book written for women by a woman. In this lighthearted, quick read, Kenise Etwaru encourages women to rebrand themselves as the
good wife AND the other woman to improve their marriages or dating relationships.
Etwaru, a preacher’s child, was raised in a traditional Christian home; the idea of divorce never entered her mind. Thus, when her marriage ended, she was overwhelmingly unprepared. Here,
she shares how she survived and rebranded herself by “falling in love with … Jesus” and by focusing on her strengths, as well as “me time,” to develop her self-worth. She also inspires
readers to protect or perhaps mend their relationships by mastering a “combination of the good
wife and the other woman,” because “a man wants a good wife who can cook and clean, [and]
he wants to love and affection.” It’s an amazing read with key points that speak directly to the heart of women. At the end of each chapter, Kenise provides a self-evaluation to evaluate where you currently are and how you can grow to become a better woman overall.

How did you come up with the title?

I came up with the title first before even having the content of the book. Since my divorce ended because my husband was unfaithful, I looked at what I offered to him as the good wife and what he still needed from the “other woman”. One day it just dawned on me that if I could master being both the good wife and the other woman, I will be a better woman all around. Hence, the title of The Good Wife and the Other Woman.

What do you hope readers will take from The Good Wife and the Other Woman?

Ladies, we only have one life to live and deciding on who we will be married to will the best greatest and most important decision we will ever make. It impacts our destiny and purpose. It impacts the world we live in. Therefore, we need to be best prepared to be a woman that is educated, confident, strong, courageous, yet affectionate, loving and caring towards our guy. It’s challenging for most women to master that, but I’ve been working on mastering it myself; hence the reason why I wrote this book so that I could help women not to end up where I once did…divorced. I want the readers to take away with them that they are valuable as a woman and how they can be valuable to the man of their dreams.

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