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Who is Stacey Bulluck? A Phenomenal Woman!

Stacey is the first woman featured in our 7-week series of Phenomenal Women

Stacey Bulluck -Courageous Woman Magazine
Stacey Bulluck is a transformational speaker, committed to igniting resilience, personal transformation and, the building life skills of her audiences. Through her messages of inspiration and motivation, she enables individuals to regain their power following life’s hard blows and encourages them to become better human beings—fostering the belief that our perseverance through oppression makes us stronger and better equipped to fulfill our intended purposes.  


The author of two self-help books, “Beaten Oil” and “Regain Power Through Resilience: Don’t Let Your Brain Go Numb,” Stacey imparts lessons that teach readers to utilize their light as a guide for others and discovering inner strength and resiliency to bounce back when life throws curve balls. Stacey uses her life experiences to demonstrate the ability in overcoming obstacles, setting and achieving life-altering goals and visions and utilizes her military experience to foster compassionate leadership in influencing organizational change.

Stacey Bulluck’s other notable achievements include: serving as a volunteer mentor and group facilitator at a large correctional facility; co-founding Ordered Steps Discipleship Training Center (OSDTC), an organization which provides a safe environment for ex-offenders conducive for a life-changing experience; serving as a volunteer teacher at a women’s homeless shelter and treatment facility in Washington, DC. 

Stacey Bulluck’s work, presentations, speaking engagements, and appearances are guided by her mission and purpose of teaching and developing others to understand their worth and confidently fulfilling their God-given purpose. Regardless of the environment, socioeconomic status, gender, or experiences, we all have a purpose and deserve to fulfill it

We had the opportunity to speak with Stacey Bulluck about coaching, her books and her journey through resilience. 

 Tell us about your journey to becoming a Transformational Speaker/ Life Coach? 

In 2002, I began volunteering to speak to women who were incarcerated and who faced many challenges such as addiction and homelessness. I discovered my gift through opposition I faced after a military injury.


 Describe 3 strong coaching components that you use to assist your clients

I believe strong coaching components are imperative when it comes to having successful outcomes. It is essential to have open and honest communication with my client. I require all to come in transparency. I know this will help us to build trust and form a lasting relationship. I believe that trust is the key to being effective. There are many strategies to achieving all goals and a big part of the strategy is to remain unbiased and non-judgmental, always showing compassion. When compassion is shown you allow your client to know you are there for them and you are concerned about their well being. This builds a bond and when there is a bond, we (human beings) are more likely to not want to disappointment and push ourselves further to reach our goal. Another approach to having a successful coach/client relationship is to make sure to set clear, concise, and attainable goals. There is nothing worse than your client losing confidence because a goal was set that is not realistic. In other words, if my client wants to achieve the goal of earning a Masters degree, however at the time it is not financially feasible, it is the responsibility of the coach to bring clear understanding how to take steps to make this happen in increments and not allow your client to become overwhelmed. 


As a Life Coach, do you draw from personal experiences to develop coaching strategies?

I have drawn from some personal experiences. However, I make sure to carefully consider every situation as circumstances do not have a one size fit all remedy. Although, some of my experiences may be similar if not the same, I must rely on the client’s makeup and understand they may or may not have the same abilities. This is where transparency comes into play. Simply because my client is open and honest with me, I can use the soft skill of compassion as a benefit and use it as a growth tool for my client. I am extremely resourceful and find strategies outside of the box to influence my clients to do things they normally would not do. I incorporate motivational, inspirational, and transformational tools to assist in all developmental stages. 


What would you say makes you a Phenomenal woman?

As a phenomenal woman I am courageous, competent, and classy.  I wisely manage my life’s situations with boldness, and I do not allow life to dictate how I live.  I make life conform. I bravely maneuver through each day overcoming any personal limitations pursuing my life’s goals and passions. I believe I am extraordinary, and I have the abilities, knowledge, and skills to accomplish what I set my mind too.  In the end I dare myself to achieve.  My personality and great skills are personified with inner elegance, grace and most of all peace.  It is peace that keeps me grounded, gives me strength, and allows me to hear direction clearly when it comes to what is good and perfect for my life.  I am deliberate.  It is rare that I stop reaching towards and attaining my goals. I am confident that with God I can do all things.

As a Life Coach, what would you say to a woman who is ready to give up on her business/dreams? 

I would say giving up is not an option. I’ll encourage them through their accomplishments and remind them we will have obstacles, but it’s not the end, it’s just an opportunity to be creative.


You are a US Army Veteran. Tell us about your time in the army

I served in the Army from November 1984 – April 2002. I began as a dental assistant and progressed through the ranks and became a Non-commissioned Officer. A strong can-do attitude was instilled every day. 


What is your definition of a Courageous Woman? 

A woman who will rise and never quit, especially in the face of adversity. She has a mind that is steadfast and unmovable.


Connect with Stacey Bulluck?

IG @powerinresilience Facebook @Staceykeepitmovin

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