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Evelyn Donelson is first and foremost a woman of God who loves to sing praise and worship songs. She is a Transitional & Professional Life Coach and she also enjoys writing.

Over the last few years, Evelyn has decided to pursue her passion and became an author. She is the co-author of three book collaborations, with one being an Amazon Best Seller and one in the making. Evelyn has dreams and desires to inspire people with her stories, encouraging all people to find the strength to push through any struggle of life. Evelyn is a mother of three young adults and two grandsons. Family means the world to her. Evelyn is also a two-time widow with her late husband’s recent death just passing in December of 2019. 

Tell us about your business

In the darkest of my moments, I found the courage and pushed through the loss of my husband and birthed Evelution. Evelution Consulting is the mother of the two businesses and spearheads all services provided. Under Evelution Consulting, I became a certified Life Coach. My mission is to help spiritual women evolve into the strong leaders that God created them to be so that they can flourish in their communities. I provide teachings through many different platforms including webinars and face-to-face speaking engagements. I also started a nonprofit organization under Evelution Consulting. The nonprofit organization serves individuals in low-income communities, providing a holistic approach to helping people transform their lives. Growth is facilitated by inspiring, strengthening, building, and empowering those who suffer from brokenness. 

Being a Domestic Violence survivor, I wanted to build a platform to support women through my journey of healing. Once I wrote my story and published it in a book, I felt that after 15 years in silence, it was time to face my battles and claim my victory. I always had a desire to inspire women to overcome barriers and fulfill their purpose. Surviving many storms and trying times in my life, I knew that many women would relate to my story. With the gift of speaking positivity into women, I envisioned standing before women to deliver a message, therefore, I took action to start my own consulting business. It wasn’t until after my husband’s death that I became determined to make everything official. 

What are some of the challenges you help women get through?

Some of the challenges I help women through are fighting through low self-esteem and low self-worth. Many times, women experience so much pain, hurt and trauma, they begin to feel that what’s happening is their fault, leading them to have low self-worth. Other areas of challenges that she helps women through are family and professional challenges, depression, and grief.

Share some of the work women have been able to accomplish as a result of your services.

My life coaching techniques and strategies help women reflect on the pain and where it comes from. Together, I and the individual develop a plan of action to get them on the road to being strong and courageous. I have a gift of uplifting and motivating women and helping them feel empowered.

In coaching women, do you refer to some of your challenges you overcame?

Through words of encouragement, I give life advice, using my own stories and personal struggles as examples. Dealing with depression a few times, I’m able to help individuals recognize signs and give strategies on how to overcome depression. I also provide strategies for how to stay positive during trying times. Being a widow at an early age, I can help women cope and deal with the daily struggles of grief and starting over. 

Why do you think having a coach is beneficial?

I believe that we all need encouragement and guidance with certain situations and struggles in our lives. I agree that coaching helps us to analyze what our struggles are and develop ways to approach problems. I would like to share that a coach helps you to reflect and change. Many times we go through life, moving about in our daily lives and we don’t give ourselves that time to reflect. Once you reflect on the situation, it makes it easier to accept the change that needs to take place. A coach is one who motivates you to grow in those struggling areas. 

How can women better cope with anxiety due to quarantine and COVID 19? 

I’ve learned from my own experience that the first thing to do is learn what COVID 19 is and accept it. I found that learning what the virus is helped me to deal with what is happening and remain safe for myself and my family. I created a routine that involved praying, cleaning, and staying clear of situations that would put myself at risk of being exposed and contracting the virus. Once I did all I could, it was time to let it go and give it to God. I changed my daily habits to make sure my anxiety level remained low. I began to appreciate the smaller things in life, such as going on walks.

What are 3 ways women can get through depression?

I would agree that one way to get through depression is to accept your feelings for what they are; sadness, anger or hurt. I found myself battling depression a few times in my life and was able to call out my feelings and then reflect on what caused these emotions. “I’m sad because I lost my job and I cannot provide for my family. When I cannot provide for my family it makes me feel inadequate”. Calling out the cause of the feelings gives you the courage to approach the person or the situation. I must admit that when I feel sad, I find things that will uplift my spirits and make me smile. Smiling through your pain is one of the best medicines for depression. I believe that staying positive through trying times has helped me get through many life struggles.

Share an inspiring personal quote that aligns with your message. 

I am a huge fan of the serenity prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can”. 

How can readers connect with you? 

Readers can connect with me by email:

FaceBook: Evelution Consulting, LLC and on Instagram: evelution_consulting

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