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Introduce yourself and tell us more about you


My name is Melvin Davis. I am a celebrated, self-taught artist who shares images of life, love, struggle, and the humanity of people of color. I tell stories through my artwork. Each day I am motivated to learn more, do better, and use my passion to create.


What’s the name of your business?

Mellow Arts


What is motivated you to become an artist?

Inspiration. I would like to inspire the youth to showcase their passion, especially through art. And I also strive to share my vision of people of color to generations and today’s diverse culture, hopefully, to encourage them to appreciate the beauty within themselves.


Tell us about your products.

My artwork depicts women, children, and men in everyday life. You’ll see visions of laughter, love, family, relationships, and all levels of happiness.


What’s next for you in 2022?

To open the Mellow Arts Gallery, with classrooms to train the young and the young at heart. I plan to continue to promote my artwork while traveling to cities and countries I would like to visit.


How would you like readers to connect with you?

Your readers can find me on Facebook (, Instagram (art_master_mellow), and via my website at






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