Each of us has our own unique belief systems, our own unique ground zero, and
this is the runway wherein your journey must begin. To have adequate
room in which to take off, one must have something far greater than ones ‘ self to
believe in when taking off.
When I first began to consider the then “ludicrous” idea of my one day sharing my
story with the masses, I could see no reason whatsoever why anyone would ever
be interested in hearing anything I might have to say. Today, I speak in a variety
of arenas to a variety of audiences, and presently find it near impossible to
consider not doing what I so very much love to do.
So how did I go from thinking my dream of public speaking was something far
outside my wheelhouse, to living my dream…full time? It was by no means easy,
but then it obviously was not impossible either.

“Discovering the truth which lives within each story we experience, can only be achieved by seeking the truth within each lesson we endure” Dr. Loren Michaels Harris
The beginning of believing in this dream for me was my deeply rooted desire (and
need) for inner healing. I was nearing my mid-fifties, running out of entrepreneurial test runs to pursue, and beginning to feel the true pull of urgency
which was screaming to my spirit that I had better get started or I most likely
would never experience my true destiny.
I now realize that most of the time I spent in my life doing everything but
sharing my story with others, was both a combination of “learning my way to the
starting line”, fear of the unknown, and good old fashion procrastination.
I also now realize that each one of those days leading up to my starting line was necessary, and mandatory in the creation of my never-ending story.
Not one of those days was wasted, not one moment of my “on-the-job training”
was by accident, and not one lesson learned was more essential than the

Discovering the truth which lives within each story
we experience, can only be achieved by seeking the truth within each lesson we endure. This is the process that then allows us the same opportunity
to share our messages on a larger scale as when we were learning and living this very
message on a smaller scale.
In conclusion, I would be remiss in my obligation to allow my truths to find you as
a result of coming through me and not from me, if I did not remind you of the most important element of all in successfully growing your message to the
Please, if you only remember one thing from this entire article, please remember
this; there can be only one road to sharing your message to the masses, and that
road must be paved in truth. You must be willing to commit to not only the good
times that will indeed be yours once you begin sharing your incredible message
with the world, but to the countless moments along the way when your truths
will certainly make you feel as if you are unwelcome, misunderstood, and very
much unloved. There will be many challenges in remaining loyal to the truth of
your message, but it is the only way to assure that you will one day deliver your
message to the masses exactly as The Creator has intended; intact and
Follow Loren Michael Harris at www.loremichaelharris.com

October 8, 2022