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Delconiece Jackson Author of In the Pursuit of Fearless Living
Delconiece Jackson Courageous Woman Magazine

Meet The Author


Delconiece Jackson is a creative, nurturing, and empathetic spirit, and military Veteran. 

She graduated from the University of Houston and studied post-grad at Rice University. She’s spent almost a decade working in social services.  


She is an advocate for those impacted by domestic violence and continues to support victims by organizing donations for local shelters. 


She is the mother to her amazing son Liam Collins and their mini schnauzer Cookie. In her free time, she enjoys blogging about her adventures traveling around the world. 



Tell us about your chapter

My Chapter is HERstory. It combines my truth in short story form and my past (my history). I talk about being a young woman navigating the world through the perspective of brokenness, toxic relationships, repeated cycles, and surviving domestic violence. Learning to prioritize your healing in spite of what others have done to you and that forgiveness starts with YOU!


What inspired you to write this story and contribute to the book?

I’ve worked to give back to those impacted by domestic violence for years but I have never publicly talked about my own history on the topic. Being a co-author allowed me the soft space to share some of those experiences.


What do you hope readers will gain from reading this chapter?

-You are responsible for your healing no matter the source of the pain. When you do the work on yourself you break not only unhealthy attachments in your life but for those around you as well. Breaking generational curses is not for the weak but it will leave you with everything to gain. 


-Mental health is real. Nurture your mental state in the same way you would condition your body to maintain good health. 


If you are debating on leaving an unhealthy abusive relationship just know that even if no one believes what you have experienced during that time, it does not diminish your truth. Creating healthy boundaries is hard but absolutely necessary. Your children will benefit more from a single-parent home that is healthy and safe rather than a family unit that is chaotic and surrounded by abuse and uncertainty. 


If your children have been exposed to or witnessed domestic violence even from the womb they carry that trauma. Ensure that you also create a safe space and container for their healing journey as well.


A Courageous Woman is able to operate in her truth, unapologetically!



Delki86 (personal) Nomadic_Vibes_with_Dee (Travel blog)


Dee Jackson



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