Residing in Dallas, Trailblazer Tiara M. Tucker, M.S., is an accomplished PR and communications strategist; transformational communicator and coach; and empowerment connector wearing many “tiaras.” She is the multiple-award-winning visionary founder/CEO of Tiara PR Network, LLC, Speak That! Movement, Inc., and her venue, Tiara Headquarters. With a lifelong passion for community impact, Tiara is a 2022 recipient of the President Joe Biden Lifetime Achievement Award.


Tell us about you and your brands.

First and foremost, my anchor brand is myself, Tiara M. Tucker. Born and raised in Kankakee, IL, and now residing in Dallas, TX, I humbly consider myself to be an accomplished communications and PR strategist; transformational communicator and coach; and empowerment connector wearing many “tiaras.” Some of my “tiaras” include being a passionate entrepreneur, nonprofit leader, speaker, event curator, producer, host, MC, community advocate, philanthropist, and social justice and mental health activist.  

Regarding my other brands, which I call my babies, I’m the visionary founder and CEO of Tiara PR Network, LLC, and Speak That! Movement, Inc. With Speak That! Movement, I have created several grandbabies, including my custom novelties, Speak That! Talks, Speak Their Stories, and other efforts. 


What have been your most rewarding experiences?

Although I don’t do what I do for public recognition, it has been rewarding to know that some very respected individuals and publications “see” and “hear” me, which has placed me on greater platforms to empower and inspire others. Over the last couple of years, I’ve been featured in Black Enterprise and Sheen Magazine. I became a recipient of the President Joe Biden Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award and the inaugural Illinois State University Andrew Purnell Jr. Trailblazer Award. I’ve been honored locally as a “40 Under 40” and by D CEO Magazine. With all these accomplishments, my hope is they inspire others to believe that no matter where we come from, we can make an impact in some way if we remain focused, never give up and trust God. 



Tiara M. Tucker

“A Courageous Woman chooses to live a life led by faith over fear as she boldly and unapologetically walks in her purpose to empower and inspire others.

What’s been the most courageous thing you’ve done?

Relocating to Dallas from Illinois in 2012 to start a new chapter in my career was the most courageous thing I had done; however, that just got trumped this February when I decided to resign from that Fortune 50 employer after 18 amazing years to fulfill my dreams of being a full-time entrepreneur and nonprofit leader. 

What tips would you offer someone considering a major career change as you did?

  1. Take the time to dig deep within yourself to identify what you want to do next, why you want to do it, and how you are going to do it.
  2. Seek God with all your heart and try not to make any life-altering decisions until you feel you hear from Him – no matter how long it may take and what you may have to go through.
  3. Once you have investigated and weighed your options, prepared yourself for the change, and feel confident about your next move, own it and just do it even with fear. You can only learn and evolve.  

What’s next for you?

What’s next will include all the things that will take place inside and outside of my new Tiara PR Network Headquarters. I also look forward to doing more speaking, coaching, training, creating, and producing. I might even write a few books. I am excited to live in this new chapter of my life and write my own story.

How can readers connect with you?

Follow my journey on social media at @tiaramtucker, @tiaraprnetwork, and @letspeakthat; visit my websites at and; and connect with me on LinkedIn. Also, feel free to send me a message on my website, a DM, or an email. 

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