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Dr. Marlene Carson: The Ultimate Survivor
by Jessica Mosley

It’s not every day that you meet someone that embodies the definition of a Courageous Woman is. The epitome of grace on display, Marlene Carson is a woman of substance, and she has made it her life’s mission to go back and save the women and young girls who have been cast away by the society in which they live. She has been through hell and back and she has Sur-THRIVED! Listen in on this powerful interview with this amazing soul!

CW: If I take away the titles, who is Marlene Carson at her core?
Marlene: At my core, I am a SurThrivalist – A survivor that is thriving with the spirit of revival. i am reviving dead dreams, visions, and destinies.

My family says I am the epitome of LIFE, Love in Full Effect. I love life and all that it has to offer. I am a loyalist and can be loyal to a fault, but all things work together for my good.

CW: Why are you so passionate about helping young girls and women thrive?
Marlene: When I was taken into the life of human trafficking, I remember sitting in a corner praying that someone would help me, and at that point in my life, no one ever did. I vowed that I would not know another sister that needed help that I wouldn’t do my very best to help her.

CW: Are you open to mentoring?
Marlene: Absolutely, I am open to mentoring! I get great joy and a sense of accomplishment when I help women and girls get to their next stage in life successfully.

CW: Tell us about your businesses.
Marlene: My organization is called The Switch – Anti Trafficking Network. The area where exploited women walk on is called the track. Some cities even have a kiddie track for domestic minor sex trafficked victims. I called my organization The Switch because I want to help switch the plight of exploited women, to switch the mindset of those in law enforcement to see them as victims and not criminals, and to switch the way we deal with our homeless and runaway youth. Switch for me is all about change.

CW: Where do you see yourself in the next two years?
Marlene: It is my mission over the next two years to develop appropriate responses to meet the needs of those who have become victims of sex trafficking, including, but not limited to, the development of a model facility that can provide refuge and facilitate recovery. Such a facility could meet the needs of our community and provide a template, which, if followed by others, could extend the benefits of our good efforts across our country and around the world.

CW: What’s next for Marlene personally?
Marlene: Love! Marlene is ready for marriage and living life to the fullest!

CW: Tell us about your coaching practice.
Marlene: I love coaching and my practice has two niches:

Certified Courage Coaching Program is for compassionate people, families of trafficked victims, social workers, etc. that want to walk survivors of human trafficking through their process but don’t know how. It is a 12-week online coaching program that will give you the tools and resources that you need to build the courage of trafficked victims.

I am also a Monetization Strategist. In 2008, I started a housing organization, Rahab’s Hideaway. However, as a new organization we were very challenged on getting funding. I was able to strategically fund the organization our first year and since then, I have been teaching organizations how to create sustainable profit for their nonprofit without grants.

CW: How do you handle setbacks?
Marlene: I use setbacks as a time to step back and reflect on what I could do differently. Ultimately, I use them to set me up for my next level. There’s always a NEXT level!

CW: What is the greatest lesson that you have learned in business?

Marlene: To never compete. I compete with no one but me. I do my best at what I do and I have no regrets. So, when I compete with myself, it’s always a win-win.

CW: What advice would you give to that woman whose business is not doing so great and wants to give up?

Marlene: First, I would ask her to revisit why she started the business in the first place. Often, that inquiry sparks a fire and from that spark, I would give her the fuel to keep that fire burning. We have to trust God even when it seems like we are failing, knowing there is no failure in Him.

CW: Tell me, what does it take to have a successful business?
Marlene: Courage! You have to get past the fear of failing, the fear of “What if?”, the fear of who said you can’t or you shouldn’t. I had to bypass all the naysayers and tap deep into the well of my spirit to find the courage I needed; that courage has kept me going for over 20 years.

CW: Are you your sister’s keeper? If so, tell me how.
Marlene: Absolutely! Through the good, the bad, and the ugly YES, I am my sister’s keeper. When God gives you sisters, it gives a new meaning to “blood is thicker than water,” because we share our Father’s blood, our bond is thicker, greater, and can withstand the roughest and the toughest of times. It also makes the good times that much greater!

I love how open and transparent Marlene is about her life. She is the true example of what it means to be a phenomenal woman!

Connect with Marlene by email: or on her website:

Jessica Mosley is a woman of many talents—publisher, author, PR Consultant—but the ones that make her most proud are wife and mother.


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