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Shant'a White Miller Courageous Woman Magazine

I am Shant’a Miller White – Mother, Grandmother, C.E.O., Wife, and a caregiver with a huge heart. I serve as an advocate for parents and youth needing life resources.


If I described myself in one word, that word would be “P.U.S.H.” It has always served me well throughout life. “P” stands for Patience, “U” is for Understanding, “S” stands for Stability, and “H” means I handle my business.


Life has thrown me several challenges, yet if I had to share my biggest life lesson failure, it would be that I chose to please others over myself in my earlier years. After battling cancer and seeing life through a different lens, I finally learned how to choose myself first!


When I reflect on what I see myself doing in the next five years

I see a full-time advocate with my Nonprofit “Parents Against Bullying (P.A.B.), and being a top-selling author.



Shant'a Miller WHite

I joined this anthology project based on a few reasons.

The primary reason was the title itself. “In the Pursuit of Fearless Living.” It was the right spark of inspiration, and I wanted to be a part of the Fearless Living Team!

The key nugget of wisdom that I want readers to take away from my chapter entitled Living in the Unknown, is to realize that in life, you never know what daily struggles you will face. Just remember to keep the faith and continue to PUSH! And to never “judge people or a book by its cover.”

“As you read my chapter, hold on to these three words – Faith… Trust… and Overcomer.”

I also encourage you to connect with me via                  

 IG: Shantanichole_   Facebook: Shanta Miller White                                                


One Response

  1. This is Absolutely Amazing, you are the epiphany of an OVERCOMER, you have triumph over so many obstacles and trials, yet come out victorious…I will certainly purchase my copy and will share as well blessings to you…keep pushing 💜

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