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Who is Maryann Rivera Dannert

Book Title: In the Pursuit of Fearless Living: Pivoting from Life’s Uncertainties 

  Affectionately referred to as the Fearless Living Coach, I am Dr. Maryann Rivera-Dannert and the FEAR-less dealer every woman needs in her corner.     The title of the book is In the Pursuit of fearless Living: Pivoting from Life’s Uncertainties. We all have a vision and hope for our lives; what we want to accomplish, where we want to live, whom we want to marry, how many kids we want, what type of job we want, etc. Meanwhile, life happens, and we find ourselves standing at a crossroads. We end up divorced, getting fired, relocating to a new place, being told by the doctors that we will never be able to carry a child, being bullied, and other major life-altering events. What are we to do? That is the premise of this anthology project. Each story, provocatively told by each woman, details a bit of their reality and how they’ve done the work, and some are still doing the work – to become free. Each story will inspire, empower, and motivate you as you are reminded that if you are breathing, you still have an opportunity to become who God created you to be.  The book will launch on August 15, 2022, and will be available on Amazon.   My chapter is titled: Marriages Are Not Created Equal. One major takeaway from my chapter is you do not need anyone’s permission to create your version of what your marriage will look like. Marriage is about the two people who stood before each other and took the sacred vows – not anyone else. If you and your spouse agree, do what you feel is right for the two of you. Three words I would use to describe my chapter are: bold, transparent, and decisive.    
Maryann Rivera Dannert Courageous Woman Magazine

This project has been a labor of love. I am excited and proud of it. I think I’m honestly more excited about the ladies that will become first-time authors and for the ladies which will add to their current works.  It’s a feeling like no other, and I’m honored that God gave me the vision and I had the courage to say yes. I look forward to everyone’s feedback and to what’s to come.


My superpower is equipping women with strategies to silence their insecurities and build healthy boundaries as they fearlessly create and live the life of their dreams. If I had to choose one word that motivates me, it would be “Reward.” As women, we sometimes compare ourselves to others and jump from one thing to the next without stopping to reflect and celebrate our accomplishments. We see the people we follow, whether friends, family, or strangers, and we don’t measure up to the highlight reel. We may feel less than, unworthy, not enough. And we feel like we are not successful enough. As a life coach and the FEAR-less dealer, I guide women to shut out the noise and learn to prioritize themselves, and the best place to start is by rewarding and honoring themselves.


My story is not yet completely written, and it continues to unfold. I live in Austin, TX, but where I’ll be in the future remains a mystery. I know that I will have traveled to many places and received several new stamps on my passport! I hope to continue growing as a speaker. I’ve also started having all my writings translated into Spanish, and I plan to host an in-person retreat, so I am working on that. Lastly, I will continue inspiring, empowering, and walking alongside women worldwide through my coaching, podcasts, books, and new ventures.


I’m the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate and a certified life coach, and I hold an MS in Leadership and a BS in Organizational Management.  I’m also an 8x published author.  While I’ve been featured in various publications and the host and creator of the Fearless Fridays with Maryann podcast, which seeks to empower and transform women to live their best life, I learned early on how to become the woman I am today, overcoming numerous obstacles.


The vision for my business is: to see women worldwide live a free, fearless, and fabulous life. There is no better way to help women than by creating opportunities for them to share their stories boldly. God gave me the vision to create this anthology project, and after several conversations with Him, I said yes and started the process. I’ve been a part of many anthologies, and there is always at least one woman wishing she could become an author, not just to see her name on a book, but because she has a story to share that will help another woman, and she wants to give back.  With that thought process in mind, I figured it would be easy to have all twenty women onboard – quickly. There’s a difference between wanting to share a story and being ready. It can be mentally and emotionally taxing on an individual to become vulnerable and open up about private and intimate matters. But I knew that if God gave me the vision, He would provide the twenty women – and He did.


To connect with me, see the different socials below:





Podcast: Fearless Fridays with Maryann – wherever podcasts are found


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