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Stacey Bulluck is an author and transformational speaker, committed to igniting resilience, personal transformation, and the building life skills of her audiences.  Through her messages of inspiration and motivation, she enables individuals to regain their power following life’s hard blows and encourages becoming healed human beings—fostering the belief that our perseverance through opposition makes us stronger and better equipped to fulfill our intended purposes.  

The author of two self-help books, “Beaten Oil”  and “Regain Power Through Resilience:  Don’t Let Your Brain Go Numb,”  Stacey imparts lessons that teach readers to utilize their light as a guide for others and discovering inner strength and resiliency to bounce back when life throws curve balls.  Stacey uses her life experiences to demonstrate the ability in overcoming obstacles, setting, and achieving life-altering goals and visions. 

What is the premise of your book?

I wrote this book for the purpose of helping women to bounce back quickly from life’s challenges.  However, it is a great resource for all. In life, there are times we try and carry every weight.  The weight of divorce, job loss, children not turning out the way we thought, etc., it’s carried until the stress of it causes our mind to go numb.  Then we become desensitized deadened to all emotion.  I liken it unto carrying a baby or a heavy object on one arm too long and it goes numb, but it is not realized until we put them down.   The book provides tools on how to put down the weight, regain emotional balance, and strengthen the inner man, which is the core of all life.

What motivated you to write it?

My own life motivated me.  This was my life for a decade and when I finally put down all the weight, I was able to find self-determination in writing for others to regain their freedom.

What do you hope readers will gain from it?

I want readers to unlock and open the eyes of our understanding.  As we receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation, our minds will regain vitality and purpose. 

What’s next for you?

I started a nonprofit Ordered Steps Inc. This is another area of helping formerly incarcerated women and homeless women Veterans get their power back and live successful and productive lives.   

How can readers connect with you (List your website and social media links)?; IG @Stacey_Bulluck; Twitter @transformingmi4


Stacey Bulluck was also featured on the cover of Courageous Woman Magazine


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