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Our Superpower is the Blended Family

Drs.Duane and Michele are strong advocates of the blended family & have spent more than 30 yrs in this unique family system & desire to assist those in a blended family to help them mesh

 Apostle Dr. Duane “Dee” (Senior Pastor and founder) and Dr. Michele (Co-Pastor) Mangum serve as the senior leaders of the Family Worship Center: A Place Where Families Can Imagine in Landover, MD. Dr. Duane is the President and Dr. Michele is the Vice President of Blending To Make IT, LLC, which provides Christian Counseling, Mentoring, Pre-Marriage, Marriage, and Community Support to Blended/Stepfamilies, Nuclear Families, and youth.

They published the book “Straight Talk About The Blended Family: Keeping IT 100” see details at 

Team Mangum are in a Blended Family and are proud parents of three young adults, five grandchildren, and they’ve been married for 19 beautiful years as teammates for the Kingdom of God. They believe “Blended families have treasures that are only hidden temporarily, but those that use the shovel of love and forgiveness find them.”


Straight Talk About the Blended Family

 Keeping It 100 was written to share some real-life conflicts that occur while meshing together. It opens the door for families to see the value of honesty, moving past hurts, forgiving, setting boundaries & being a bonus.

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