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Terra Kern is a fun-loving woman, wife, mother, grandmother, and sister who always roots for the underdog, is an overcomer, encourager and peacemaker, that has a heartbeat for children. But most importantly, she is a woman of faith. It is that which defines her.


What is the motivation behind your book, Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty?

I wanted to write for children as well as their parents and grandparents. Being both, I know from experience that kids have their favorite books and stories they like to have read to them over and over. Many times, to an adult, it gets very tedious simply because the story content is geared toward children and children only. I wanted my books to be more than that. That’s when I determined the setting would be in the past and include things adults could relate to also and even reminisce between the bouts of laughter. This, in turn, would open quality sharing time with the children as the adults shared similar experiences from their past with the children. However, the most important motivation behind the stories in the book is to plant “God seeds”.  Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty isn’t categorized as a Christian genre but rather is written to appeal to all parents, including those from the secular arena who may be turned off from buying a book specifically geared towards God and scripture. As little Jenna learns a little here and there about God as she encounters new experiences in her life, little God seeds are being sown as Jesus said, “Suffer not the little children to come onto me.”


What can readers expect to learn in this book?

The children will learn about a simpler time before DVDs and electronic devices and how fun it can be exploring the great outdoors and playing outside rather than being indoors on their tablets and gaming devices. It also lets them see that other children encounter similar experiences as they themselves do and are not alone. The book also teaches strong family values and parenting skills, as Mr. and Mrs. Jafferty serve as excellent role models in showering their children with love, affirmation, and praises. They also scold and discipline, never being too harsh though, and yet are firm. The Jafferty parents also teach about God as instances arise along the way.


What has writing this book led you to do?

It has allowed me to get out in the community and surrounding areas and interact with the children and their parents via book readings and/or signings in schools, libraries, mother’s groups, and local book stores. I have also been invited to participate in special events and celebrations in the surrounding areas not only offering my books for sale but being available for conversations. The biggest blessing from all of this is answering the children’s questions and hearing what parts they liked best and why. It never ceases to amaze me at the thought-provoking questions they ask. Be still my heart!


What do you want readers to grasp and take away from this book?

I want to instill a love of reading in children when they are little; giving them a solid foundation to build upon throughout their lives. The love of reading is everything! It’s the gateway to education and knowledge, and knowledge harbors power. I believe there is no better way to do that than by making reading fun through humor.

What is your definition of a Courageous Woman?

A courageous woman is a woman who has the audacity to believe in herself. Who shuts out the negative self-talk, the opinions of others and sees herself as the woman God says she is. One who recognizes that “they” or “the crowd” never did anything of significance, so they need not worry about what “they” will think, say, or do. A courageous woman is one who knows her strengths, God-given gifts and talents, and believes that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her, She  then goes forth in faith with her head held high and does what God has put in her heart to do, beating the odds, and fulfilling her destiny!

Do you have other books, if so what are they?

Yes, I have the second book in The Little Jenna Jafferty Series titled Little Jenna Jafferty in Changes, Challenges & Chuckles.


What’s next for Terra Kern?

After I finish this series which will be approximately 5 to 7 books total, I plan on writing a Christian fiction novel about one woman’s personal relationship and walk with God throughout the various phases of her life.

How can readers connect with you?

They can reach me via the contact form on my website: or email me at or find me on Facebook at

Is your book available on Amazon?

Yes, it is.

Featured in Courageous Woman Magazine May/June 2019

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