Courageous Woman Magazine’s PARADE OF BOOKS
Starts May 6th

 BOOK SIGNING MAY 19, 2018 in California. Your book could be included. You don’t have to be present to be included!

We’re highlighting the best of the best books!
Are you an amazing author with a great book? Of course, you are.

FYI: The Courageous Woman readers love books. 
For the entire month of May, we’re featuring the best of the best books, from children’s books to fiction to memoirs, to how to, books and more.

Your book can be part of THE PARADE OF BOOKS that will march the pages of our May 2018 digital issue, our print edition, and be featured on our website. If you want to join the parade, submit your book today. We’d love to give you your very own space in this parade. Every day, starting May 6, we will be sharing books on all our social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google+. Your book will be listed on our website with hyperlink to your website or Amazon page. Your book will also be included in all the e-blasts to our 11,000+ subscribers. And in addition, we will include your book in our PARADE OF BOOKS YouTube video.

WHOOOA…That’s a lot! Let me repeat those details to clarify what you get when you submit your book for Courageous Woman Magazine’s PARADE OF BOOKS.
1. Your book included in the digital issue
2. Your book included in the print edition
3. Your book featured on
4. Your book included in e-blasts to our 11,000 magazine subscribers
5. Your book featured on our social media channels
6. Your book included in our PARADE OF BOOKS YouTube video
7. Facebook Live interview.
8.Your Book listed on our website with hyperlink to your website or Amazon page

 There is no limited to the number of books you may submit. Submit one book per online form or email us at:

If you are not an author, share this with an author 😀

If you don’t have a book, but you have the desire to write a book and want to know the first steps to get started and get published!  Click Here

The “Early bird” cost for this promotion is $27 when you submit your book and payment by Thursday, April 26, 2018, at 6 pm EST (Extended early bird discount). The cost will be $37 after April 26.

Final Deadline is April 30, 2018

Got questions? Email us

Please make your payment via the Paypal link below and then fill out the form and be sure to click send and you’re in!

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