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Noreen N. Henry is a coach, speaker, trainer, ordained minister, who is known for her knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Noreen is the founder of “Victorious Living Culture,” “A Victorious Living Culture Movement.”  Noreen is a mother and grandmother and resides in NYC.

What is the premise of your book?

“Legacy Changer Journal: Thoughts For A Better Future” is to determine the legacy you have now and the legacy you will leave when you pass on.  Making sure that readers work on the legacies they want, and to think about things that are taking place in your life now.


What motivated you to write it?

I was writing and posting the blurbs in this journal on my social media platforms, and the idea came to me to turn this into a book that will help others to think about the importance of the legacy they are living now, and the legacy they want to have when we are no longer on this side.


What do you hope readers will gain from Legacy Changer Journal: Thoughts For A Better Future?

What I want readers to gain is to realize the importance of their legacy.  A study was done on the contrast of two families’ legacies (the Juke and Edwards families).  One family’s legacy was negative and the other family’s legacy was positive. The negative family was idleness, ignorance, and vulgarity. They would not work, they could not be made to study, etc.  On the other hand, with the positive family, their legacy had a U.S. Vice-President, Senators, governors, mayors, lawyers, missionaries, pastors and theologians, etc.  This study alone shows the importance of thinking about our legacies.


What’s next for Noreen N. Henry?

What is next for me is my very own “Victorious Living With Noreen” TV Talk Show.  It’s exciting to be seen by 22+ million viewers to help change the world to victorious living.

How can readers connect with you?





*Periscope: victoriousliving7





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