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Meet Keisha Le’Toy Wayne author of the book, I Murdered Procrastination

Are you guilty of telling God to wait? There are things God told you to do, but you haven’t done them because of fear. You can gain the Power over fear right now by first telling God Yes and setting your mind to believing in yourself that you can! I believe that fear is the leading cause to Procrastinating and as a believer, we can overcome anything once we get rid of all the negativity in our lives. 2 Timothy 1:7 says; For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. It starts with You knowing that all things are possible to them that believe. Once you’ve set in your mind that with God all things are possible, and you surround yourself with only Positivity, you have then made the first step to overpowering fear and Procrastination.

What is the Premise of your book?

Having a Passion for Procrastination could cause you to Die while Dreaming. But Passion for Purpose will help Produce room for Prosperity.

What inspired you to write this book?

What inspired me to write the book, I Murdered Procrastination was knowing that there are people right now who are struggling with the spirit of Procrastination and I hope to Empower men and women all over the world, especially Single women to kill Procrastination and become the Woman God intended for her to be on Purpose. Motivating her that she doesn’t need a mate to be great. One thing I had to do first was to forgive my past and live by learning through the Process of letting go. As a Single mother, I can relate to it being tough trying to do everyday priorities like work, nurturing your child/children. Some days I couldn’t balance the time to my God-given goals. Instead, I Procrastinated and said tomorrow, knowing that tomorrow is not promised. I can remember allowing fear to override my Faith because I didn’t think any of my dreams would come true. I knew God had a purpose for my life, but because of life Challenges, Circumstances, and bad Choices, it prevented me from pursuing further. God gave me another chance and urged me to rise out of my pit and Push through to my destiny. Nothing like God’s Grace and Mercy!

Who do you want to read this book?

All who are wrestling with Procrastination. Edward Young quoted that Procrastination is the thief of all time. So, I’m here to motivate ALL to be a Finisher. No more of allowing Procrastination to steal your time and dreams!

What do you hope readers will get from this book?

I hope readers receive the knowledge they need on how to Murder Procrastination for good. I’m a witness that if you keep this book as a guide to completing daily goals, you will see the results of a Finisher!

If fear is one of the main reasons people procrastinate how can one eliminate it?

Once you’ve set in your mind that with God all things are possible, and you surround yourself with only Positivity, you have then stepped to overpowering fear and Procrastination.



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