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Dianna Courageous-woman-magazine

Dianna Maria is the owner of Dianna Maria Medspa

Photographer Tisha Brenee’

MUA – DeeDee Kelly

She is a single mom to an energetic 6-year-old son, Dillon. She is the #1 best-selling author who flourishes as a businesswoman, motivational speaker, and expert in health and wellness. Dianna is a potent force and role model in her community. She is a determined woman that harnesses her drive and acts with passion and purpose. She never misses an opportunity to speak life to those around her.

What has been your journey to get to where you are today?

I was an engineer before I started my journey 12 years ago. Bodybuilding became a hobby to get and stay in shape. My interest grew, and I decided to compete. In my first competition, I placed fifth. Instantaneously, I became fixated on making my goal to WIN. In the next competition, I placed fourth. At the age of 35, I won the entire show in the third competition.

Tell us about your new venture? 

My new baby is my very own MedSpa. I’m super excited for my incredible expertise to marry amazing treatments that are safe and non-invasive to help people accomplish their dream bodies. All while improving their health and daily habits. 

What motivated you to start it? 

My Medspa business mentor, Shannon Hamilton, motivated me. We’ve known each other for several years. He opened his spa last year, and his results have been mind-blowing. We both know I have a unique quality to add to the industry, and without a doubt, with his guidance, I’ll change even more lives than I have in the past. The MedSpa industry will benefit greatly from my expertise, knowledge, and passion.

What products and services do you offer? 

My Medspa will focus on body contouring. Some of the treatments are RF skin tightening, vacuum butt lift, muscle building, fat reduction, and cellulite reduction, to name a few.

As a health and wellness professional, how important is mindset in preparing your clients in their wellness journey? 

Your mindset plays a critical role in everything you do. It’s the most critical factor that influences your success. A strong and positive mindset is essential to developing healthy self-esteem and achieving long-term success. 

With all the world changes and challenges, people are dealing with many emotions. Do you have any advice or strategies to help someone with mental health issues? 

I experienced a huge breakdown in my mental health in 2021. I was in a deep depression for months, and no one knew. My breakthrough came when I finally got enough courage to admit it out loud to my best friend. I believe the first step is admitting it out loud to a trusted person. Keeping that “dirty secret” is part of why it hurts so deeply. You aren’t releasing it.

What’s next for you? 

I have two businesses that I launched this year. My MedSpa is one. I also have a self-development and motivation brand.  It’s called I AM THE CHANGE. 

“A Courageous Woman has the bravery and strength to succeed even when the odds are against her.”

How can readers connect with you? 


IG: itsdiannamaria

FB: diannamaria44


One Response

  1. So proud of the woman you are and the woman you are becoming Dianna! I love you to life, may God continue to bless and keep you always cousin keep grinding and shining!!

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