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Dr. Gail James - Telishia Berry - Courageous Woman Magazine

Photos By Tisha Brenee’

Dr. Gail James is a licensed Clinical Christian Therapist, Motivational Speaker, with a PhD in Christian Counseling, she is an expert in trauma, mental health, substance abuse, and family therapy. 



What is the central theme of your book, “From the Pit to the Palace: My Rise from Pain to Purpose?”
The theme of my book is that your pain is instrumental in getting you to your purpose.


What motivated you to write this book, and what message do you hope to convey to those who have faced challenges similar to yours? 
I wrote this book because I felt it was necessary to help others that have been through similar type trauma to encourage them to let them know they’re not alone. I wish there was a me for me when I was experiencing these traumatic events. I want other survivors to know that you can choose to rise out of the pain and truly turn your pain into purpose.


From The Pit to the Woman Magazine - Telishiia Berry

Can you provide insights into the significance of the title “From the Pit to the Palace” and its relation to your personal story? I would describe my childhood and young adulthood as the pit because it was when I felt I was at my lowest. My pit brought me pain and suffering, but it also propelled me into my purpose. I feel like I literally went from the pit to the palace because the very things I’m doing and living now are a direct resulted from the character, determination, motivation and perseverance I needed to survive during my pit experience and now I can say I’m in my palace experience.


How do you use your own experiences to guide readers towards resilience and empowerment in the face of trauma?
In the face of trauma don’t give up, even when you don’t feel like it keep moving. Take it one step at a time and one day at a time, but don’t dare give up on you. Because there is someone else who needs to hear from you how you made it out of this. This situation has nothing to do with you and everything to do with others who will need your encouragement, motivation, affirmation and support in getting over their trauma.



Dr. Gail James -Courageous Woman Magazine - Telishia Berry

How do you describe the transformative journey that your readers will embark upon in your new book? My journey would be best described as how I took all the situations and circumstances that were meant to break me and use them to build a better me but not a bitter me. I learned that in order to become the best version of myself I had to learn, heal and grow in order to start truly living my destiny.


How has your background in trauma, mental health, substance abuse, and family therapy influenced the insights you share in your book?
My background as a therapist is highly influential in the advice that I provide in this book to assist survivors on their healing journey. I use some of the very tools I was taught during my education and my own personal experiences in an effort to assist others in healing from the pain, hurt and abuse that they’ve experienced.

Could you share some of the key lessons and empowering solutions that you offer to survivors of childhood abuse in your book?                    

  1. Identify your trauma. What is it that caused you the pain and despair that you feel?
  2. Acknowledge your feelings. I am feeling sad, depressed, abandoned, rejected, abused and unloved.
  3. Give yourself the okay to feel these emotions. It is okay to feel abandoned, refused, rejected, unloved, and abused but just don’t stay there.
  4. Get up and start to work on your healing journey. Whether it’s therapy, meditation, prayer, worship, exercise, or reading, start working on your healing.
  5. Liberate yourself from the guilt and shame that tends to linger with you because you have all the reasons why this shouldn’t have happened to you. There is no way you could have prevented it because you only have control over your behaviors.
  6. Learn to forgive yourself and the person who hurt you without receiving an apology. Forgiveness is not necessary for the other person it’s necessary for you so you can go on and be a better version of yourself and not a bitter version of yourself.





Inspirational Quote-Overcoming Trauma-Dr. Gail James-Courageous Woman Magazine

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