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Drs. Richard and Nephetina Serrano
The Marriage CEOs ® Relationship Experts

In today’s world tensions are high all around us. Couples are faced with an ever-changing world and much-added stress. Covid and the pandemic of 2020 have taken a toll on everyone causing many to find themselves reevaluating life as they knew it and wondering what the future hold. Marriages are no exception to this. Marriage is the foundation of the family, the bedrock of society. Sadly, marriages are now an “endangered species.” Couples have lost interest in finding ways to evolve into the successful relationships they once envisioned and desired for their marriage.

Drs. Richard and Nephetina Serrano are known as The Marriage CEOs ® they are relationship specialists and will share with you some words of wisdom and tips on how to “Up Level” your marriage and be the best you can be in creating a new future that is mutually agreeable, a future that you can grow in and continue your journey to success and forever in marriage.

To up level is a process to share in a skill, to make progress or improve, to enhance your communication to have an effective relationship.



1. Your marriage should not be on Auto Pilate.
Because you have to make the decisions for the family, most of the time not for the individual. For what is best for the family that is why marriage is for mature adults.

2. Rebrand yourself for your spouse.
The fact is, well all change over time. Our looks change, our passion changes, our goals change, and sometimes our purpose change. It will not be realistic to expect our spouse to remain the same throughout our marriage and life. We should always be looking for ways to reinvent and reimage with our spouse in mind.

3.Focus on having good success and longevity in your marriage.

Get to know your spouse and adjust to each other’s desires. Talk about everything, even things that may seem trivial. Always be transparent with one another. Speak in the right tone, with love and kindness.

These actions will give more room to allow the other person to feel respected, be more willing to receive the message, and not be offended by what is being communicated.

4. You don’t get the marriage you want; you get the marriage you work for.

Putting time into your marriage is like making a deposit into the bank you will always have something to withdraw in hard times.

Tips for Singles desiring to be married.

This is the time to make your selection very sure. If you’re not sure, get clear on who you are. Take a deeper look at the man or woman in the mirror.  Understanding your purpose is essential to a well-lived and fulfilling life and no man or woman is here to complete you. Keep building your personal resume, and learn about any potential mate before you commit. What are they bringing into the relationship? Just like in corporate, when applying for a job, you inquire about that company, and what it has to offer you and check the culture to make sure that it is a good fit for you and you for it. Before making the final decision where does it stand financially in the stock market? Check the history, reputation, career growth opportunity for future advancement, life, health insurance package options, etc.

A potential spouse comes with their own history, culture, upbringing, learned behaviors, and ancestry personalities. Do not forget each of us has a tribe, family, friends, neighbors our communities that help shape us into who we are and we take that with us into the relationship.

Finally, Singles know that marriage is for mature adults and if you are not ready to grow up, you are not ready to grow together with someone else. Forever is a long time. If you are mature and ready you can up-level your relationship and move into the next phase, marriage.

Learn more about The Drs Serrano at

Dr. Nephetina is also one of Courageous Woman Magazine’s Top10 Women to Watch in 2023. Read more at Top 10 Women To Watch.

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