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Sharrarne Morton

Sharrarne Morton is an exciting and charismatic SiriusXM radio host, TV commentator, and media coach, who audiences really enjoy. She’s the winner of the Top 100 Women of Maryland Award, and the Founder of Black Door Society, an organization that opens doors of opportunities to wealth for Black women. Sharrarne is a wife, mother of adult daughters, and a 32-year member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

I recognize the blessing of growing up middle-class as a Black woman. But it was still hard breaking into the media business and garnering local and some national success. My grandmother used to always say, “It ain’t easy being black and greasy.” I used to laugh, but as I got older, her words rang true. Thankfully, I understood the power of networking with decision-makers who moved me to the front of the line or got my foot in the door. Once in, I held on tight and enjoyed the ride. 

How or why did you start this business?  I’ve always wanted to be a journalist since I was a little girl. I remember seeing Jayne Kennedy, the first black-woman sports anchor, and pretending my hairbrush was a microphone. I would go around the house interviewing my mother and little brother. I became editor of my high school newspaper, then went to college and had my own radio show. I did a quick stint in politics and then got an opportunity to do TV commentating which lasted for 14 years. I started my own media coaching business after a few years on TV and afterward, got an opportunity to be on SiriusXM Radio.

What has been your most rewarding experience? Outside of motherhood, my most rewarding experience was reopening my business after having to shut it down when I almost died from Covid in 2020. It was a year-long climb back to health, but God’s grace was with me and I was able to reopen in 2021.

Sharrarne Morton

What keeps you motivated?

I love what I do and would be miserable doing anything else. Being able to do what I love and meet the kinds of people I meet keeps me super motivated.

What have been your least favorite moments in your business?

My least favorite moments in business have been during the pandemic. I had to close shop. It was a scary time.

What is the premise of your book?

I’m part of the book anthology, “Girl Get Up and Win Everyday  .” The book encourages women to keep going whether they win, lose, or draw. There are stories from women from every walk of life that describe the troubles they experienced and how they triumphed.

Provide 3 tips that relate to your topic?

Always help other women because when one woman wins, all women win.  Know the importance of power networking – being in the room with decision makers who can help you get to where you want to go much faster.  Get a mentor. They will help you avoid a lot of land mines that you would otherwise step on. 

What’s next for you?

I’m hoping to go back into television. I’m also working on syndicating my radio show, and I plan to take part of my business abroad. I dream BIG.

How can readers connect with you?

They can go to my website:

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