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“There is a quote by Roald Dahl, the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that resonates with me to my core,” said Meg Nocero.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

That being said, I am a magical person.

I truly believe in magic and miracles of this life. And, time and time again, I have found evidence to empower that belief and inspire others to see the world through those eyes so that they can too realize the beauty of their dreams.

What is your take on the “mentor/mentee” relationship?

When I worked for the federal government, I established a reputable intern program and got to teach tools of personal and professional development to over 300 students. I became a mentor time and time again. Under my guidance, my program included an orientation, goal setting objectives, training, as well as, offering meaningful opportunities to understand the mission in conjunction with service to clients. In addition, I did establish an official mentoring program partnering with attorneys that supported these students during and after the internship. My innovation and leadership in this arena produced outstanding results over the years as many have gone on to do great things both with the government and in the private sector. I fostered lasting partnerships and had the opportunity and privilege to make a positive contribution to the legal field by teaching students to be consummate professionals and exceptional individuals. I am open to mentoring as an empowerment coach.

My most extraordinary quality is my passion to mentor and serve others. I have an endless reservoir of emotional generosity as I have helped many personally and professionally. Described as both savvy and kind, I blend listening skills with action items that propel people to define their goals and become their best selves. As a dreamer who works toward solutions, I know the journey to self awareness is hard but so worth it. And as a part of a team, my desire is to collaborate together saturating our surroundings with peace, hope and love. Even in light of current tensions, I do my best to foster opportunities that can help us all to become beacons of light shining together.

 Why are you so passionate about helping others?

In April of 2011, I lost my mother to breast cancer and lost my way. To navigate the grieving process, I turned to writing as a healing tool. I wrote what I felt my mother would want to communicate to me. One day led to the next and I completed my first book called The Magical Guide to Bliss: Daily Keys to Unlock Your Dreams, Spirit & Inner Bliss. Here, I empower others to wake up to a universe packed with possibility. In addition to allowing me to feel connected to my mom, it helped me muster the courage to make a career change after twenty years as a federal prosecutor. It is the guide I used to transform my dreams into reality. It is the guide that I offer to others to do the same. I am here to inspire others by sharing my story to believe in the possibility of their dreams.

I am so passionate about helping others because I have myself experienced what St. John of the Cross terms the “dark night of the soul”. I have lost my hope and am beyond grateful for those who offered their talents to bring me back into the light. I have made a promise that with what I know now, I will serve to inspire hope and empower generations to make a difference as well.

Tell us about your business.

In 2017, I resigned from the federal government as a prosecutor and now work as a writer, speaker, and empowerment coach. I founded Butterflies & Bliss, LLC and a non-profit called S.H.I.N.E. Networking Inc. S.H.I.N.E. events present and encourage sharing stories, community building, diversity, insights, ideas, hope and networking to shine. We also provide educational scholarships to help young innovative leaders who are making a difference. I also am an advisory board member for Love Button Global Movement, spreading love one person at a time. I welcome a diverse network of people into my circle. S.H.I.N.E. Miami welcomes exclusivity rather than exclusivity, coming together to share our commonalities and our differences to support each other to make this world a better place. A world where we all use our talents and skills to benefit the whole. Together we do rise, shining our beautiful lights for the world to see. The conversation has started and this is clearly where hope and optimism are born. We are the change that we wish to see. Never let anyone tell us differently.

Where do you see yourself in the next 2 years? The next 5 years?

I currently reside in Miami, Fl. I am married and am passionate about my children, Shetland sheepdogs, tennis, spinning, creative arts, Broadway, and travel. I love interacting with diverse people, visiting places all over the world. In high school, I lived in Bucaramanga, Colombia, immersed myself in a new culture, learned the Spanish language and it changed my life. At Boston College, I lived in Rome, Italy, studied Italian, Anthropology and masterpieces of art while traveling all over Europe broadening my horizons. As a writer, travel complements my story. This past April 2018, to finish my memoir, I organized a trip to Northern Spain to walk El Camino de Santiago de Compostela where 17 of us completed 117 km of an awe-inspiring spiritual pilgrimage ending at the lighthouse at Finesterre. Now, Beautiful Butterfly: A story of how grief woke me up, transformed me, and set me free, is almost done! I have also teamed up with a group of dynamic women to write a chapter in a book called Thrive Girl Thrive!

I began a YouTube channel last year called Manifesting with Meg. I follow the outline of my book The Magical Guide to Bliss and invite guests that align with the topic of the month. Beginning with Carpe Diem in January and ending with Awe-Inspiring Magic and Miracles in December, my guests share their stories and I challenge others to awake to the great possibilities of their lives!! I hope to make this into a podcast this year. I hope to do a TED talk this year as well.

I will be publishing my 2nd book Beautiful Butterfly this Fall  and look forward to promoting it and marketing it. I also look forward to more opportunities to share the vulnerability of my story with others through speaking engagements to empower others to follow their bliss and realize their dreams. I am so excited to meet and connect with new people and spread a high energetic vibration of offering a safe space to start feeling good and enthusiastic about their lives.


In 5 years, I want to have traveled and expanded my brand by getting publicity for my Magical Guide and Beautiful Butterfly, along with my mantra book called Sparkle & Shine– the three books packaged as a collaboration called The Sunrise of My Soul’s Bliss. I want to make a screenplay of my memoir and ultimately a Broadway Show. I would love to receive an invitation to meet again and have a Super Soul conversation with Oprah in Maui, one of my biggest influences.  My daughter is an actor and my son wants to be a filmmaker. As a woman who wants to empower others, the greatest gift I can give the world is to raise confident children who know that getting intentional and doing the next inspired action, they will be the empowered hope for future generations.

 What’s next for Meg personally?

I am open to the field of potential in so many respects. This year is about self care and teaching my children that the sky is the limit. I also value family and love being with my Nocero tribe. After my mother passed away, we make a point to spend as much time as we can with my father, the Poppie, my sisters and their families.  We go to NYC every summer and spend 5 days going to Broadway shows and discovering the different historical sites of the city. We call this Poppiepalooza. I am an avid reader and I know that travel is very important to us to get to know our world better.  Our kids are close to going to college, so we are going to be exploring different colleges and universities soon as well. I am so curious about this world. Like I said above, I truly believe in magic and miracles.

Tell us about your coaching practice?

It is my mission to inspire hope and empower generations through assisting you, my clients to:

  1. Realize your dreams: Make resolutions a reality, Dream and Believe Big by focusing on what you want to see happen in your life.
  2. Take Care of Yourself: Focus on your health, body, mind, and spirit and do what you can to get your life into balance.
  3. Maximize Your Potential for Joy: Look at what brings you joy in your life and start a gratitude practice.
  4. Create Opportunities for Success and Greater Possibilities: Open yourself up to tremendous possibility and empower yourself to think outside the box.
  5. Clarify Your Life Purpose: Visualize to Manifest goals that align with your highest calling both personally and professionally.

Let me help you get intentional so that you can move your life in an amazing direction!

Get Ready to Shine!

As far as finding a coach is concerned, what sets me apart from others is that I can help you think outside the box to figure out what you desire so that we can create a map together. Together, we can craft opportunities through innovation and following your intuition that will lead to following and realizing your dreams.

Having worked with over 300 individuals over the past 20 years to set out both professional and personal goals, I am able to work successfully with a diverse group of people. I encourage you to do your research first and read about my story and background to determine if you would like an opportunity to connect. You will be very surprised at the outcome when you do.

My Areas of Expertise:

  • Career Challenges
  • Career Direction
  • Career Transition
  • Executive Coaching
  • Family Balance
  • Goals and Values
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Life Balance
  • Motivational Factors
  • Network Tools
  • Life Purpose

How do you handle setbacks?

Depending on how emotionally invested I am, my reaction varies. If I have given something a lot of time and energy with less than ideal results, I may get into a funk for a bit. But truth be told, I believe that it is very important to feel your feelings. The root of the word emotion starts with the prefix “e” meaning out of- followed by the latin word “motere” meaning to move. All emotions need to move through and out of you. Fully feeling and experiencing a setback is important and necessary to gain the wisdom and the lesson that is readily available.

I like to look at life as an unfolding mystery. You need to discover the key to be able to open the next door that takes you to the realization of your desires. Certainly, like I said the loss of my mother was a huge emotional setback that threw me off my path because I had never felt such a loss in my life. The grieving process is a shocking process. Being gentle with yourself and allowing the process is so vital to growth.

I am a stubborn and determined woman. I believe in a never give up mentality. I choose to not have any regrets, so I do use the setbacks as course corrects to perhaps move differently in a new direction that will get me to where I visualize. I have amazing friends and a network of incredible people in my life. This has been a source of strength in my life. It is so important to align with a powerful tribe to help get you through the lows and celebrate the highs.

What is the greatest lesson that you have learned in business?

Every step is a right of passage. Every failure is a lesson that when learned leads to success because you chose to find the wisdom in it and not to give up. Following your intuition is so important. So as I learn and grow, I pay attention to the opportunities that show up and really get in tune to my own inner guidance to decide who to work with. Trust the process is a good mantra to follow.


What advice would you give to that person whose business is not doing so great and wants to give up?

 I am a very intentional person. I truly believe that focusing on desires, getting clarity around what you visualize for your individual business, and paying attention to the synchronicity that comes from that place is wholly important for any business venture. So I would advise that person to get intentional. Perhaps take a step back and evaluate what makes you come alive from what you are doing. How does your business make you feel? Are you doing it because it gives you an opportunity to be of service using your gifts or talents? Start asking the questions. I am also a believer in “Ask, Believe, Receive”. Perhaps meditate around the mission or vision that you set out for your business and ask for the guidance that you need to make a decision as to how to proceed.


Meg, What does it take to have a successful business? 


The 3 Ps: Passion, purpose and perseverance. You really need to love what you do and get enthusiastic about the opportunity to get to use your talents to serve the world. Also, think outside the box, don’t be limited by what other people say. Learn to collaborate and connect with others who can do what you cannot and thrive. Pay attention, be astonished and tell all about it! Share you wisdom and pay it forward.

Social Media Handles:

  • Facebook- Meg Nocero, Meg Nocero, Inspirational Author, Empowerment Coach & Motivational Speaker, S H I N E Miami- Spirit Hope Insight Networking Event
  • Linked In- Meg Nocero, Esq.
  • Instagram- @megnocero @shinenetworkevent
  • Twitter- @megnocero

The inspirational book Girl, Get Up and Win recently hit #1 on the Amazon Bestsellers List. We hare happy to share the stories of these courageous 40 women and one man!!  Get our copy today!  

We are preparing to launch our next anthology, The Making of a Successful Business Woman. We have just a few openings for women who would like to join us as a co-author to share their success stories!

Famed motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar once said ““You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

Sharing your story with our anthology could be a great opportunity to help another women in business or a woman who is thinking about starting a business while expanding your own brand.

Want to know more about submitting your story. Contact us today for details. The final deadline to submit your story is August 10, 2019. EMAIL US NOW

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