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"God has a unique plan and purpose mapped out for your life."

Partice Smith is an inspiring radio and red-carpet host, speaker, author, and certified life coach. Her radio show is known as a beacon of hope.  She is impressively known to play the best old and new school gospel music, encouraging scriptures and inspiring interviews.  Media and ministry award her unlimited appreciation for a favor. She recently published her first book “Truly Unique I AM Somebody”

Partice Smith heart’s desire is to inspire, motivate, and encourage her radio show listeners with the best praise and worship music to stir up their gifts, spread the good news of Jesus Christ, and make it known God has a plan and purpose for everyone. She believes it’s never too late to dream and live out your purpose. She set’s her sights on sharing the word of God. She is a beautiful benchmark that God will order your steps into His plan and purpose.

Throughout her life’s journey, Partice has grown spiritually and continues to mature in Christ. As she grew, her worldly view shifted and God began to move her on the path towards her destiny. In her autobiographical book, Truly Unique, I Am Somebody, Partice unfolds the revelations that she has learned along her path to maturity. Partice hopes that these lessons and gems will empower others to draw closer to God, as they realize that we are all Truly Unique in His eyes!

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