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Apostle Barbara J. McClain is the founder of Barbara McClain Ministries and a strong advocate of prayer and training leaders. We spoke with her about Christian leadership and her work in ministry.


Share one of the most profound experiences you’ve had in your journey in ministry.

I received a prophetic word in 1988, that I would be going to Africa. That word manifested in 2005. I went to Kenya. I had a very good friend there, Derek Hubbard, now deceased, who had relocated there from the United States. It was a life-changing experience for me. In our first-morning prayer session, I was praying and began to pray in the spirit, in tongues. One of the Pastors who were there asked my friend if I knew Swahili, he responded no. The LORD allowed me to speak Swahili, I was praying the prayer that the Pastor had prayed the night before and was answering the prayer in his native language, Swahili. That supernatural experience literally changed my life and gave me a greater understanding of who GOD really is. It still brings tears to my eyes, every time I tell the story.

Tell us about some of the organizations and ministries you lead?

I am the founder of Barbara McClain Ministries, “Training and Equipping Kingdom People for the End-Times” and also Kingdom International Institute, an Empowering School for Leaders and those in Ministry. I am currently the Director of the Champions Ministry (55 and over) at All Nations Worship Assembly, San Antonio, TX, and am excited about the fresh wind that’s being blown on our “Seasoned individuals” to let them know that they still have a purpose.


 What are 3 attributes of a good Christian leader?

The top three attributes of a good Christian leader is integrity, character, and absolute love for GOD’s people. All three of those attributes will bleed over into every dynamic of ministry, for example, Their finances, and their personal interaction in relationships.


Do you think every person who says they are called to minister, open a church?

No, ma’am, I say that because I believe individuals are more knowledgeable now of what ministry really is, they no longer run to the “pulpit”, once they are sure of the call.  One of the definitions of the word minister which I love is “to give aid or service”. With that in mind, it’s just a matter of identifying the area where you can best serve. Everyone is not “called” to open a church. Now, more than ever we need individuals “assigned” to the marketplace among everyday people.


In building a church or ministry what are the top 3 things every leader should do?

  1. count the cost, commitment, and sacrifices.
  2. make sure their motives are pure.
  3. make sure that GOD gets the Glory for it all.



What advice would you offer a person who is unsure of their life’s purpose?

I believe that we can only know our purpose by knowing GOD. He is our creator, and we were created for purpose. Why not check with the source? If we check with HIM first then HE will lead us to individuals who will begin to help to identify and cultivate our purpose. Mentors, Coach’s, etc.



Can you tell us about your farm and Boy’s home?


The ministry in Kisii, Kenya consists of a Farm, real cows and chickens, lol, and we grow corn. I became connected with Pastor Joshua Obunga in 2012 and the LORD has blessed us tremendously. The boys home cares for 15-20 children, and we now have a space for girls also. It is challenging at times, because of the distance but I am so grateful to be able to serve in this capacity Internationally.   



Tell us about your contribution to the anthology,  Keep It Moving, Your Destiny Awaits.

The book includes so much inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment to help the readers so that they can “Keep Going!” There are some absolutely fabulous submissions from various women who helped to co-author with me.


It is a tremendous jumpstart for me. I have been told so many times that there was a book in me, but just didn’t know how to get started. Thank GOD for Dr. Shirley Clark. She really helped to birth what was in me, and now I’m ready to move forward. The book includes so much inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment to help the readers so that they can “Keep Going!” There are some absolutely fabulous submissions from various women who helped to co-author with me.


How can readers connect with you? 

Contact information Barbara J. McClain – 317-373-8418

FB: Barbara J. McClain (Apostle)


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