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Black Owned SEO Company partners with Los Angeles South Chamber to launch a menu of services for companies making less than $250,000 per year.


The SEO Queen, a leader in digital marketing solutions for small businesses that specializes in website design, seo, mobile app development, and social media marketing is proud to announce a new strategic partnership with the Los Angeles South Chamber. The Los Angeles South Chamber is not your average chamber of commerce.  For the Los Angeles South Chamber members, they can now leverage The SEO Queen’s Website Design, SEO, and digital marketing solutions and tools to drive more credibility, visibility, and profitability.

The SEO Queen sees a huge need in the marketplace for products and services that will help companies get more prospects into the top of the funnel faster and at lower cost.  This new strategic partnership perfectly aligns with the goals of the Los Angeles South Chamber and The Seo Queen who want to amplify the voices of business in the South L.A. and South Bay communities and beyond. Now LASSC members have access to free and low cost resources such as

  • $1/minute marketing consulting on strategy, website design, and seo
  • Business Rockstar SEO for $500 for Optimization of 5 website pages for Google
  • FREE Guide: 101 Ways to Improve Your Marketing and Sales
  • $10 Ebook 40 Steps to Google Page 1

You can visit for more information on how to take advantage of this partnership pricing.

The LASSC is a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization, that serves as the voice of business in the South L.A. and South Bay communities.  The LASCC was founded in 2016 by local businesses and community stakeholders in South Los Angeles, CA. to have organized platforms of services, build business relationships, and create economic growth. LASCC is funded through membership dues, private donations, fundraisers, and sponsorship. You can learn more about the LASSC by visiting

The SEO Queen was founded and Launched by Zhe Scott in 2017 and has served over 100 businesses and business owners to date. You can reach out for more information by emailing or calling 617-475-0964

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Annette Watson-Johnson
Dr. Yolanda Jerry Henderson
Zhe Scott the SEO Queen Courageous Woman Magazine

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