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Calling Women in Business!!
We’re highlighting 11 women in business!

What business-related questions are you asked the most? What topics do you have strong knowledge of or expertise in? Can you provide valuable answers and tips? If so, we’d love to highlight your business and share your tips in Courageous Woman Magazine,, and our social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!

In February, we will share business tidbits from women in business. Submit today to be one of the 11 women featured.

In January, we featured 11 visionaries who dropped some 2020 nuggets!

Click here to read about them.

How mini-features work:

  1. Compose a question up to 7 words max (This will be your article title)
  2. Answer the question in 40 words or less
  3. Be sure you are giving valuable answers and the article is not written only about you. It should be written in article format, not in bio format.
  4. Include your full name
  5. Include your business name
  6. Include website or one social media link
  7. You will be included in a layout for the magazine, you will be included in the article posted at
  8. This section is used for business promotion there is a fee $25 promotional fee required.










Submit payment and fill out form below.

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Annette Watson-Johnson
Dr. Yolanda Jerry Henderson
Zhe Scott the SEO Queen Courageous Woman Magazine

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