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Ceola J. felt inadequate, battled depression, had thoughts of suicide, and felt unworthy of true happiness.  

In many ways, Ceola J. is like many other women who experienced domestic violence and sexual assault. Or, who have lost a loved one, financial and material loss, suffered from barrenness, experienced divorce, and the pain of infidelity. 

But today, Ceola J. is the woman who found hope in Jesus Christ and victoriously overcame every obstacle she faced! By God’s grace, Ceola utilizes her past experiences to encourage and support women and children. Ceola is determined to see other women find hope and live victoriously in their God-given purpose just as she is!


 What motivated you to start your organization, Sisters Celebrating Each Other?

The motivation to start Sisters Celebration Each Other, Inc. came from my childhood experiences with my mother. Since a child, I have desired to open a homeless shelter for women and children. 


What inspired you to write you’re your book, I Know It Was the Blood: The Story of Overcoming?

 The inspiration to write my book was laid on my heart by God. I had no desire to write a book, especially a book that details very private and unpleasant times in my life. It took several plus years to write the book, and it was a challenging book to pen. However, since publishing the book, many doors have opened for me to speak and share my story and help women through coaching.


As a Life coach, what are some ways you help women dealing with domestic abuse? 


Sometimes forgiving one’s self is hard for those who have dealt with domestic violence. Why? Because unforgiveness usually begins with questions like, how could I let this happen? Why did I stay? How could I put my kids through this, etc.? These questions come with feelings of guilt, depression, and stagnation. As a life coach, I can help women by encouraging them to forgive themselves. When a woman accepts she is NEVER to blame, she can begin the healing process.


What encouraging words do you have for someone who is having a hard time breaking away from an abusive marriage?


I would encourage the person who is having a hard time breaking away from an abusive marriage by reminding them how beautiful, smart, gifted, special, and loved they are. True love in a marriage is never verbally, emotionally, or physically abusive, and it is never your fault! You deserve better!


When coaching women, do you draw from personal experiences?

I do draw from my own experiences. In addition to training and certifications, real-life experiences, and the ability to relate, offer a deeper connection between you and your client and greater trust, which yields a successful coaching session.


Tell us about your most recent stage plays.


Happy Walls was my fourth stage play and the third part in my production’s three-part trilogy, “If These Walls Could Talk-The Stage Play.” Due to COVID-19, we had to cancel the production’s run. But the cast will all be back in a new project!


How can readers connect with you?


For those interested in contacting me, you can reach me via my email




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