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Courageous Women Prayer Group January 15, 2018, with Nicole S. Mason

Do you ever feel like your prayers have no power? Do you wonder if you even really know how to pray? It is interesting to note that as the disciples travel with Jesus, they never asked him to teach them to be great teachers, like he is, or to show them how to perform miracles. However, one thing about Jesus impresses them so much they want to know how to pray. They asked, Lord, “Teach us to pray” Luke 11:1.

To answer that question, Jesus shares with them what we today call the Lord’s prayer or the model prayer. And this prayer, Jesus provides the all the principles necessary to have a journey into powerful prayer.

First: Praying is a command

Second: Praying allows God to meet our needs

Third: Praying releases God’s power in our lives

Fourth: Praying brings immediate rewards

Prayer is the most important thing we can do. Jesus gives us principles to apply to every prayer we pray. In prayer, we talk to God and God talks to us through his Word, it’s also important to pray the Word of God.

What is Courageous Women Pray?

It is a group of Christian women that come together to pray for and with each other.

When does the group pray?

Once a week. Each Monday morning at 6:30 am EST, 5:30 am CST, 3:30 PST am

Where does the group pray?

Conference line: When you sign up via email you will get the conference line access in your email

Dial-in (641)715-0632 Access code:186693

How long does the call last?

Prayerfully up to 15-20 minutes

Register below to be part of the prayer group now!

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Prayer leader for January 15, 2018
Nicole S. Mason Esq.

Nicole is a leader making an impact in the ministry and the marketplace. Using her many gifts to inspire other women, she is dedicated to helping women leaders create success on their own terms. Nicole serves as a senior leader in her organization where she is a trailblazer with many firsts to her credit. The first and only African American woman to serve in her current position, she is no stranger to breaking up fallow ground and serving as a disrupter and change agent. She has been described as fearless, bold, courageous and very confident and those are the characteristics that she helps other women leaders to develop, cultivate and enhance their lives, both personally and professionally. Nicole is a best-selling author, attorney, executive leadership coach and a powerful preacher. Her spiritual foundation is paramount to her success in life. Nicole is a natural born encourager and if ever in her presence, you will be inspired to do what you’ve been called to do and to be who you were destined to become.

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