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Consistent media exposure can help position your brand for extended opportunities from products promotions to speaking engagements to building and growing your network!!

Get featured today, and we’ll pitch you to 3 additional media outlets!!!

Being on the cover or featured in Courageous Woman Magazine is a great opportunity to gain worldwide exposure!  You get social media promotions and your article is available and searchable online as well as included in our print edition.


How Do You Expand Your Brand?
Here are a few tips to consider…

1. Define your brand
Make sure it is clear who you are and what you’re all about.

2. Identify your strengths
Show what makes your brand unique.

3. Project your brand’s personality
Showcase your brand’s features and benefits.

4. Share Share Share!
Utilize multiple avenues and platforms to share your brand. The more you share, the more will know about you.

5. Keep moving
Don’t Stop! Expanding your brand requires continuous efforts and strategies. Promote yourself online and off line. The more opportunities you have to share your brand, the greater the possibilities you may have to gain new prospects, clients and income.

6. Create your own platform
Your website is your house!! It should be a window for all to peak inside to see just who you are.  While social media has its great advantages, your website is your most reliable and viable platform to consistently share and build your brand. It’s all YOURS! You don’t own the other social media platforms.

7. Set your goals
Prioritize your goals. Create long-term and short-term goals and go for it!

8. Be Proactive
Do wait for others to make things happen for you…even if you are paying. Always find ways to promote yourself and stay relevant. The more your brand is seen, the more you stay in the minds of those who may be looking for someone like you!

Get yourself out there!

Media, media, media, from news media to magazines, to blogs, to radio and podcast interviews. Find a PR professional to help you navigate through the process of gaining media attention. Free media is great. Fee-based media may allow you more opportunities to be presented the way you want to be perceived. Don’t be afraid to be proactive in investing in yourself to leverage your brand.

We’ll help you get the word out about your products, services, or books!
With a COVER STORY or one or two-page feature?  Email us
SPECIAL Sale prices
One-page feature $99
Two-page feature $135

New Years One-Day Specials

The first 4 submissions will be included in our January issue available January 10, 2020.

Read some of our most recent feature stories and cover stories

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Annette Watson-Johnson
Dr. Yolanda Jerry Henderson
Zhe Scott the SEO Queen Courageous Woman Magazine

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