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2020 is the Year of the  ‘Well Woman.’ Living a Sugarless Lifestyle Could Improve Your Overall Health.


Delayna Watkins is an award-winning nurse committed to supporting and encouraging women to rise and reach their wellness peak. Delayna’s mission to help women reclaim their health only intensified after the loss of her dear mother. She is a powerful force that stands (in stilettos) for women’s wellness and seeks to help them heal holistically across their lifespan.  

How did you get the nickname “The Wellness Mayven” 

The Wellness Mayven name evolved from my wellness community as a joke because it was touted that “I know my stuff”! So, I made it my own by adding a “y” in the spelling. 

What motivated you to focus on living a sugarless lifestyle? 

I began exploring the impact of sugar once I realized it was a major struggle for most of my clients. What became evident and very surprising is that sugar is EVERYWHERE not just in the obvious foods like cookies, donuts and ice cream. What I learned about sugar and the food industry motivated my decision to become sugarless and create the Sugarless Living Program

Give us 6 reasons why women should live a sugarless life. 

The decision to become sugarless will allow you to experience:

  1. Gradual weight loss from decreased insulin resistance
  2. Improved immune system which leads to less illness
  3. More energy from natural sources
  4. Mental clarity and improved focus
  5. Reduction in premature skin aging
  6. No more addictive behaviors

Tell us about the “7 Day Sugar Slay”.

The 7-day Sugar Slay is a brief introduction to the Sugarless Lifestyle Program. It prepares you for the sugarless journey through education and awareness about the toxic effects of sugar which usually motivates a change to “slay” your sugar habits.

You’ve had some great accomplishments, what would you say has been your greatest accolades and why?

My late mother Sandra Queen loved to remind me that I had a gift of bringing health and wellness to women while making them feel happy and motivated to change. I’m proud to know that because of me, thousands of women around the world and in the Women’s Wellness Lounge now experience a healthier way of living that not only impacts them but their family and the community where they live!

What’s next for Delayna? 

This is the “Year of the Well Woman” and we are hosting our annual Women’s Wellness Legacy Event on March 28, 2020, during Women’s History Month where we will also launch the “She Is Well” virtual wellness membership program. 

I am also hosting “The Well Woman Conference” in May 2020 during women’s health week with my partner Chere M. Goode. 

How can readers connect with you?

Social Media: FB- Delayna Watkins- The Wellness Mayven IG-@DelaynaWatkins

Website: Email:

Delayna Watkins is featured in the January issue of Courageous Woman Magazine

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