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Mama’s Coaching Relationships!

Dr. Patricia Shaw is a highly sought-after advocate for women. Thanks to her struggles with low self-esteem, people-pleasing, and not making herself a priority for “God’s glory and Your Inspiration,” today she is able to speak directly to the soul of other women, reaching those world-wide.

It is Patricia’s deepest desire to lead women to the very heart of God, helping them to possess God’s promises and accomplish great things! Her willingness to be transparent in her testimony, and not shy away from her fight to conquer her own struggles, has invited thousands to connect with her through social media, where she works tirelessly to share divine love and hope with others.

Although Dr. Patricia Shaw is keen on helping individuals achieve fulfillment in all areas, she is especially devoted to helping others better their relationships. Since beginning her work in mentoring young women 25 years ago, she has been blessed to work with numerous women and help provide them with powerful solutions that give them clarity and directions in their relationships. It is Patricia’s utmost desire to teach women to validate techniques that lead to happier and healthier relationships. To guide women into space where these peaceful, harmonious connections can become a reality in their life, Patricia helps others overcome the deeply-wounded beliefs that sabotage their relationship success. Patricia’s dedication, spiritual insight, and compassion make her a dynamic and invaluable asset to women who want to be informed and transformed.

Her Experience…

Part of Dr. Shaw’s expertise comes from her extensive background in tending to the spiritual and emotional needs of others. She is a Certified Professional Life & Relationship Coach and a licensed Chaplain who holds a Doctorate Degree in Philosophy.  In 2015, she put her experience to work through founding Women of Excellence Outreach Services, Inc., to encourage and guide women and teenage girls on a positive journey toward self-actualization, personal development, holistic reflection, and life-defining/lifestyle-altering opportunities for change.

Dr. Shaw knows that at the root of every great relationship is a woman who knows who she is which is why she does what she does to help other women understand, trust, and access their personal power and inner beauty.

In the future, Dr. Shaw seeks to establish retreats and workshops where she can impact the lives of women on a deeper basis in a shorter timeframe. She also hopes to generate more inspirational media soundbites to continue spreading her message to the women who need it most.

Her Books…

Aside from working directly with women in need, Dr. Shaw is also the bestselling author of the book Soul Ties, Unchain My Heart. In 2020, she is releasing her new book: Turn Your Love Around: A Relationship Blueprint for Wounded Hearts. Readers can connect with Dr. Shaw online at, Instagram: The Soul Ties Coach, LinkedIn: Dr. Patricia Shaw, or on Facebook: Patricia Shaw & Women of Excellence.


A Courageous Woman is…

A courageous woman leads with integrity, lives within boundaries, and loves without fear.


Connect with Dr. Shaw @

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