Tune in to the 12 Days of Christmas Live on Facebook to see the interview with Michelle Kelly at 6pm PST 9pm EST on the Courageous Woman Magazine Facebook page.

Michelle Kelly has been a licensed hairstylist for over 25 years. She is humbled by her journey to have styled so many people.   She created the Ezweavekit, a compact hair organizer that simplifies the wig and hair weaving process!

CW: Tell us about your product and why you created it?
MK: The process of installing a weave as many tasks, I created the Ezweavekit hair organizer to make the wig and hair weaving process easier.  I created it because I was frustrated with chasing runaway spools and tangled threads.

CW: What kept you motivated during the process of creating and launching your product? 
MK: My motivation was resolving a serious time-consuming problem that existed in my field, Also two invaluable Entrepreneurs, Jon Stovall, Peggy Harris, joined forces with me.  It’s been a hard road filled with numerous hours of research associated with creating the Ezweavekit. Now we are tremendously excited to share this unique one of a kind tool with you.

CW: Did you have to overcome any setbacks or other issues to get your product to fruition?  
MK: As a company, we had numerous set-backs, but our main two obstacles we had to overcome was finding a reliable 3D engineering company for prototyping purposes and a quality mold maker.

CW: What advice do you have for others who may want to launch a product?  
MK: My best advice for an entrepreneur would be, never take no for an answer, and never give up on your dreams.

CW: What’s next for your EZweave?
MK: I would like to see the Ezweavekit’s at every hair show from coast to coast. Ultimately I would like to see the Ezweavekit on the shelves at one of the major retail corporations.

CW: Are you looking to create other products? 
MK: Yes, I have some other great ideas that I would love to put out, but everything will be in due time.

CW: What is your definition of a courageous woman? 
MK: A woman that doesn’t acknowledge the word NO, and extremely motivated.

Facebook: Ezweavekit
Instagram: Ezweavekit

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