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Dr. LaTanya Bowman is a Chiropractic Physician and owner of Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center, located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Born and raised in Winston-Salem, NC, Dr. Bowman has always been inspired to become a health care physician and an entrepreneur. Throughout her endeavors, Dr. Bowman gained her experience and expertise in health care, as she did internships and worked in the field of sports medicine, in places like Duke University Athletic/Physical Therapy Department and Wake Forest Athletic Football Department. She received her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Athletic Training from North Carolina Central University, and continued her education into the Chiropractic field, receiving a second Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Anatomy, and a Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic at Parker College of Chiropractic. Throughout the growth of her practice, Dr. Bowman and her office have won numerous awards and recognitions. Her most recent recognition was in February 2020, Dr. Bowman was invited to The White House to attend the Entrepreneurs and Innovation Summit, where she was recognized by The White House as a game-changer in the entrepreneurial field. With her love of science and entrepreneurship, Dr. Bowman has always been inspired to be in the health field, by her becoming a  health care practitioner and a business owner, this was the perfect blend of both worlds. 

 Dr. Bowman, why are you so passionate about the chiropractic field?

Chiropractic is a holistic approach to treating the body without the use of medication. Chiropractic has been around for hundreds of years but has now become one of the “mainstreams of health and wellness” in the field of health care. Many do not know that Chiropractors are considered Primary Care Physicians, and we are able to treat and diagnose patients. With my background in sports medicine, this is what inspired me to go into the chiropractic field. Working with athletes, the chiropractors that were on the sports medicine staff were actually getting the athletes back onto the field faster with their chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation. This is what inspired me to go into Chiropractic, for I realized the benefits of chiropractic care and how it can heal the body effectively.


Dr. Bowman, you are the CEO/Founder of the Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center. Please tell us more about your company?

Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center opened our doors in 2016. Within the first six months of opening, we were already listed as one of the top 20 chiropractic offices out of 167 offices in the city of Charlotte. Our office has continued to be listed as one of the top 20 offices consecutively within our 5 years since our opening. We treat athletes, children, and the general public, our main motto, “When You Walk Into Our Office, You Walk Out With a Pain-Free Smile On Your Face”.

“Growth Can Not Occur, Without Growing Pains.”


What are some of the benefits of chiropractic treatment?  (Put this in Q & A in a colored box)

  • Improve Joint function 
  • Decrease Pain (alternative drug-free pain management care)
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Improve digestion
  • Can help lower blood pressure
  • Can assist in a healthier pregnancy
  • Helps with headaches
  • Helps with difficulty sleeping
  • Excellent for Post-Accident Care (such as motor vehicle accidents)
  • Helps sports injuries
  • Works well with conjunction with traditional medical treatment

What are some strategies you would give to readers who are interested in the chiropractic field?

With any field of interest always shadow first and get a mentor. This is important to ensure if this is truly your desire and the direction you are wanting to go. Chiropractic is a field of “hands-on”, so you are getting to know your patients personally and not just trying to diagnose symptoms to determine what their problem may be. Our goal is to try to find and correct the cause of the problem, and not just the effect. So you have to be a true “people’s person”, where you have a great one on one skills with connecting with your patient. 


What is some advice you would give to business owners to keep them encouraged through this pandemic?

The year 2020 has been very challenging for the entire world. As a business owner small and large businesses have felt the economic downturn due to the Pandemic. One of the things I have recommended for business owners is to keep their advertisement up. That is one thing that you can not cut back on during this time period. But also be resourceful, this is a perfect time to see what exactly do you need to cut back on, no longer need, or just increase the value of that product or service. Sometimes you realize that you may be spending money in unnecessary places, that can be placed in a better return on investment, “ROI”. Also, realize you may have to cut ties with certain bridges of businesses that you are no longer seeing the need for their use or value, and you have to be okay with that change. That’s the point of change and growth that occurs. 


How can readers connect with you?

Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center 

Facebook: @discoverychirowellness

Instagram: @discoverychirowellness

Twitter: @discoverychiro


Dr. LaTanya Bowman (aka: Doc Bowman) personal social media sites

Facebook: @dr.lbowman

Instagram: @dr.lbowman

YouTube: Doc Bowman




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