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A Talk with Ashley Little 

Obioma Martin is an international transformational speaker, B.R.E.A.T.H.E. accountability-coach, author, small business expert, childcare strategist and esteemed advocate for women’s empowerment. Obioma Martin calls herself a radiant diamond, brilliantly created by the most-high, God. She is also a daughter, mother, servant leader, mentor, and educator who loves serving people.

I caught up with this busy lady for an amazing conversation.


Obioma, please tell us more about your passion to help women B.R.E.A.T.H.E.

My passion was birthed out of my pain, I did not have a safe place to land for years. When I think about my childhood, and the community in which I was socialized, while there were good times, there was more sorrow and toxicity then anything else. When I think about the women in my family, there is no love there. Even as I write this there is so much hate, discord, and pain rooted in misunderstandings, jealousy, abuse, neglect, betrayal and pure evil. I grew up in a neighborhood and community where you could not trust the girl you called a friend. Everyone had children by the same men, they fought all the time. It was messy. Hurt people, hurt people, and I grew up watching women hurt and tear each other down in my family, in the church, in business, in politics, and in my community. I need authentic sisterhood, we are stronger together. I need my sister’s to be healthy and whole from the inside out. If I don’t teach, empower and encourage them who will. I decided to become for other women what I needed. 

I believe in me and that allows me to believe in and support you

I release all negative people places and things and this allows me not to become easily offended by what my sister says or does, it’s no longer personal. I love my sister black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Indian it does not matter to me.

I embrace new relationships and opportunities which allows me to focus on collaborating with my sister instead of competing with my sister.

I accept me, I accept my flaws and all of my inclusions and this allows me to accept my sister.

I take action by moving forward and taking responsibility for the things that I can control. This allows me to keep the main thing the main thing.

I heal every day by forgiving others and not walking in a spirit of offense.

I elevate my mind by staying in my word, surrounding myself with eagles and lifting others along the way.


 “Teaching, speaking, and coaching brings me joy, it’s my happy place. I love pouring into others and watching their lives transform.”


Obioma, you are the CEO/Founder of Obioma Martin, LLC. Please tell us more about your parent company and how we can support and book you?

Everything I do across companies is rooted in identifying challenges, choosing to be the solution /answer /resource so that the outcome results in breakthroughs, increase, and transformation. I do this through education, coaching, consulting, empowerment, and networking.


 Please tell us about your 5’Ps to prosperity, power planner, calendar and journal?

2019 made me Pause to think about what I was thinking about and how it impacted the way I showed up in my home, family, community, business, and ministry. I had to Pause so that I could Process the areas in my life that I was running away from. The areas in my life that were painful. I was not ready to confront the neglect, the abuse, broken promises, relationships and business transactions that had depleted me. After I paused and processed, I had to Pray so that God could begin to heal me as he revealed the areas in my life where I was bankrupt and depleted. I then had to Plan so that I could Position myself to prosper.


“We cannot prosper operating from a broken philosophy and theology around, money, ministry, health, and relationships.”


Please share with readers more about how pausing, processing, praying and planning positions us to prosper? 

We cannot prosper operating from a broken philosophy and theology around, money, ministry, health, and relationships. It is our birthright to succeed, prosper, multiply, and dominate in everything that we do and in every area of our lives mind, spirit, and body. When we are physically or mentally sick we are not in a position to prosper. When we are surrounded in toxicity we are unable to prosper. Prosperity touches every fiber of our being it’s not just money.


Tell us more about your B.R.E.A.T.H.E. conference and how we can purchase tickets and support?

Tickets can be purchased at, The B.R.E.A.T.H.E. conference is the only platform in the world that focuses on teaching entrepreneurs, and ministry leaders how to BREATHE.

What can we expect from you in 2020?  

IBREATHE Anthology, I am looking to partner with 50 women around the globe. This collaboration is a collection of stories that covers our challenges, choices, and outcomes. Anyone interested in sharing their story and being apart of the IBREATHE Anthology can contact me at

I also offer a 7-week BREATHE group coaching, individual coaching, and I am available to speak at corporate events, professional development events, business meetings, schools, churches, etc. to book me.

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