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Peachanda DuBose Remains Relentless in Manifesting Her Dreams, Allowing Nothing To Stop Her.

From surviving homelessness, bouts of depression, failure, and self-doubt, to making monumental history as the first writer, director, and Producer, to ever land a residency at the Historic Hudson Theatre in Hollywood.

We spoke to Peachanda about her life as a playwright and her upcoming productions.


CW: Tell us about your journey as a playwright.

PD: My journey as a playwright has been literally life-changing. I get to write stories that reflect what’s going on in our world. Being able to watch my gift evolve skillfully over the past 10 years, It’s been a journey filled with monumental highs, and significant lows that are all apart of the unavoidable process. 


CW: What prompted your decision to relocate from North Carolina to Los Angeles?

PD: I was prompted to relocate to California, to position myself for better opportunities for my writing career. Although I’m a bit homesick, As a writer and director, in Los Angeles, the opportunities are endless, So,  I “Jumped.”


CW: Tell us about your residency at the Hudson Theater in Los Angeles and your upcoming show.

PD: My residency is an 8-month long-weekly showcase of 6 original dramas, all written, directed and produced, by myself. During my residency, Supporters can view my productions on Mondays, starting with my very first mystery drama “SAME STRANGER”
which debuts January 6, 2020.


CW: What inspired you to produce an awards show?

PD: So many artists/entrepreneurs are under-recognized, undervalued, and overlooked, so I decided to pursue a vision I had of honoring those who deserve it. I have a strong passion for uplifting others. 
CW: Who are some of your special guests for this year’s Mayan Industry Awards show?
PD: Well, it’s actually two award shows in one. Both the “Pioneer Awards” and The “Mayan Industry Awards”  take place the same night. My special Honorees for “Pioneer Awards” are the Legendary group “FULL FORCE.”

CW: The Honorees for the “Mayan Industry Awards” are the actors from the past two years of my productions, along with media, and celebrity industry honorees


CW: Producing plays is not easy, What keeps you motivated?

PD: Yes, it’s extremely hard, but I honestly stay motivated by embracing those challenges of self-producing, while being mindful that I’m creating opportunities to not only share my stories but to provide opportunities to many actors around the country. Watching them fulfill lifelong dreams, is Priceless.

CW: What challenges have you had to overcome in your journey as an award-winning playwright?

PD: As an independent artist, I’ve faced major challenges of funding, balancing single parenthood while, pursuing my dream, along with the task of remaining focused during life’s most difficult times.

CW: What advice would you give someone who is considering giving up on their dreams?

PD: Our dreams represent what we love. I implore everyone to remember what it is that they love because what you love ultimately drives you. It’s what you think about, it’s what you cherish, it’s the thing that you never want to leave your side. So, once you remember that thing you love, let that thing be your motivation to fight that urge to quit.


CW: What’s next for Peachanda Dubose?

PD: To continue my legacy of writing impactful stories that inspire, uplift, educate, and ultimately transform lives, via Television, Film, and my first love, Theatre.
CW: How can people connect with you? 
 Facebook: Peachanda DuBose
Instagram: @peachandadubose

Peachanda DuBose is featured in the December 2019 issue of Courageous Woman Magazine available in print. ORDER NOW

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