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The Fearless Dr.Keli-Koran Luchey
by Jessica Mosley

From the moment you begin speaking with this gentle soul, you know you are in the presence of pure greatness. Not only beautiful on the outside, but begin to spend time with Keli-Koran Holder Luchey, and you know without any doubt that you have met beauty itself. She’s a woman on the move, and she has no plans on stopping any time soon! Listen in as we get to know this courageous woman.

CW: If I take away all of the titles that you hold (wife, mother, business owner, radio host, principal), who is Keli at her core?
Keli: First, thank you for this opportunity. At my core, I’m passionate. I’m committed. I’m very concerned about others.

CW: Tell us a little about Keli-Koran Luchey.
Keli: I personally did not come from my struggle, but my parents did. I was raised by two phenomenal people. Both of my parents grew up in the projects. They worked very hard. My brother and I reaped the benefits of their sacrifice and extremely hard work. I knew where my parents started. My Mom was 15 when she met my Dad. They dated, and she married him when she was 21. I grew up understanding our family history. From that, I learned the importance of giving back.

“I understand it’s my responsibility to give back and be grateful for the blessings God has bestowed upon me”

CW: What is does it mean to be Courageous, Keli? What’s your definition of that?
Keli: Just believe in yourself. You may not have all of the answers. You may not have all of the solutions. However, you know you are going to overcome the obstacle. There were plenty of times when I didn’t know “the how.” So, I think being courageous means believing in yourself and saying, “I can and I will do this, even if I don’t know how.”

CW: When did you have to be courageous?
Keli: When I was four years old, I grew up in a suburban area where I was the only African-American. I knew at four years old the responsibility to share who I was. I had to stand in front of my class and tell them who Martin Luther King was. At a very young age, I had to learn how to be courageous.

When I was getting my Doctorate, I remember my Mom shaking her head and saying she didn’t know how I did it with a baby. I started my Doctorate when I was single. I had left my great job at the University of Buffalo. I decided it was time for me to go back and pursue that highest education that I always wanted. I ended up getting married, and I could hear the Voice of the Lord saying, “Keli, it’s time.” I’m so glad that I listened to the Lord. One doesn’t have to have ALL the answers.

CW: What advice would you give to someone that wants to give up?
Keli: When I was younger, I wanted to give up on life. I’m so grateful to have made it through that storm. I know what it is like to have to stand on faith. It’s so important to surround yourself with positive people. The words, “Lord, I trust you” are so powerful. He’s never failed me, and He never will.
“Some situations you have to go through. It builds you. It helps you. It strengthens you”


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