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Veronica Hood has been an Entrepreneur for 30 years. She is a, Mother, Former Radio show host, former First Lady, and a Visionary.

She is the owner of Roloni’s of Southfield Boutique.   A well-established ladies Boutique that offers sophisticated fashions for the mature woman of discriminating taste.  Roloni’s works to help women be there best external self.   Offering quality affordable fashions in sizes up to 22 for all occasions.  The boutique provides custom-designed accessories and expert alterations and one on one consulting.

How does your business support women?

Roloni’s hosts a monthly women’s support group. Over the years it became apparent that many women are hurting and have no one to talk to. The platform allows women to anonymously submit the topics to be discussed. This allows attendees to get answers from different viewpoints on an issue they may be dealing with. This group gives them an outlet and helps them navigate through the tough issues they face.


Veronica Hood also founded the Ms. Black Fit and Fine Beauty Pageant for women 50 and over.   The pageant promotes health and wellness and uses the pageant to showcase women who have embraced a healthy lifestyle. The winner becomes the ambassador promoting health and wellness.

What Motivates You?

I was motivated to create the beauty pageant because African American women over age 50 often stop caring for themselves.  They feel used up and devalued in today’s society.

The Pageant is designed to be inspirational and motivational.  The goal is to show people that if they develop healthy lifestyle choices, they don’t have to be diabetic, obese, or have high blood pressure. Quality of life has more to do with our lifestyle choices. The pageant encourages people to research natural alternatives for healing and not traditional medicine.

What’s Next for you?

 I have been an entrepreneur all my life and I’ve enjoyed the work that I do.

I realized how much I’ve missed for many years because of the workload.

Success is very gratifying, but I am looking towards a simpler lifestyle.  My next venture is an E-commerce business that allows me to have time for myself and my family.

What is your definition of a Courageous Woman?

A courageous woman can stand amid a storm but bend with the breeze.


Connect with me Facebook:  Roloni’s Btq or Ms black fit and fine pageant


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