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Wilma Blyden encourages women to design a meaningful, impactful, and joy-filled life using Godly principles. She is an author, speaker, coach, and founder of the network “She Designed the Life She Wanted”.


Tell us about your business/products/services

In 2017, I founded a faith-based network, She Designed the Life She Wanted. It is aimed at women who are,  focused on self-improvement, growth, and achieving their goals despite challenges faced in life.

We provide our members with an opportunity to connect, support, and engage with women from multicultural backgrounds. Membership benefits include Training & Development, Promotional, Recreational, and Personal Development.

I provide coaching services in the network and work alongside the women, supporting them on their journey until they have achieved their goal.  I also host and speak at events. My messages are transformative and centered around the power of vision, setting and achieving goals, and creating a lifestyle of impact.

I am also a contributing author to the anthology “The Making of a Successful Business Woman.” In my chapter titled “Just Start,” I shared three systems women in business should have in place:- 

(1) outsourcing- don’t allow what you don’t know to keep you from pursuing your goals

(2)  networking – attend events and meet people who share similar interests, and

(3) a support system – create a support system of people who believe in you and your goals.

What has been your journey to becoming a personal development coach? 

This journey has been like a ride on a roller coaster. I’ve experienced good times and moments that made me cry, but I like to think the journey is equally as important as the destination. I am enjoying my journey. Whenever I encounter a roadblock, I view it as a stepping stone, and I continue to take steps to achieve the goal. When I feel overwhelmed, I remind myself why I started, and I continue working towards the destination.



Share some of the key topics you focus on in public speaking to women?


The Power of Vision – Too often, we are busy completing goals that are not connected to our vision and end up feeling empty. I believe that emptiness can only be filled if we are fulfilling God’s vision for our life. It cannot be filled with a new job, a new relationship, a career change, etc.


Creating a lifestyle of impact – What makes a lifestyle impactful is how you fulfill your purpose on earth, your character, the people your influence, and the lives you affect. To make an impact, you must effect change and implement results. Creating an impactful lifestyle is about being confident in who you are and what you believe.


“Like a rose even, with thorns, is still beautiful. You can design the life that you want, despite the trials faced in life.”


How to set and achieve goals – I encourage women to move in the direction they want their life to go, dress the part, join discussions online and offline that align with their plans for their life, and attend events with people they aspire to be amongst. I accomplish my goals in life by obtaining a tunnel vision. When I am focused on achieving a goal, I say no to anything that does not contribute to the goal to help me avoid distractions.


Share 3 key issues you coach women through.

Increase Confidence. I help women increase their confidence in every area of their life through the Power of Affirmations, and I AM messages.

Discover their purpose. I help women recognize how to fulfill their purpose through a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement.

Release limiting beliefs. I teach women how to release limiting beliefs by renewing their minds with the Word of God.


How does your business relate to your life or personal experiences?

In my book, She Designed the Life She Wanted – Four Women, Four Journeys One Church. I share parts of my story and being restored within each character. Most people view restoration as going back to who they were before pain occurred in their lives. Through revelation, I understand restoration is reverting to who God has created you to be. In my experience, when God restores you, He restores you to His original purpose and plans for your life. The book was written to inspire women and help them to be restored to who God created them to be. In the book, I shared the transparent stories of four women facing different challenges using biblical principles; the book shows the women’s transformation and how they stood on God’s word to overcome their challenges.


What is one of the most important things you want women to gain from your services and support?

Everyone has a story. What matters is how you overcome. Often, when women tell their stories, their stories are told from their trials; they rarely tell their stories from a place of victory. I want women to believe in themselves and develop the courage to share their stories from triumph and not their trial without reliving the pain and design a life they want.



What’s next for Wilma Blyden?

I plan to launch my 12-week Premium Coaching Program in December 2020. This premium program titled ‘A rose even, with thorns is still beautiful’ will help women build confidence spiritually, emotionally, and physically.


How can readers connect with you? 

IG: Wilma_Blyden

FB: BlydenWilma



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