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A business coach/mentor can help change the course of your business. Whether he/she is a business coach, writing coach, life coach, speaking coach, etc, a coach’s role is to provide proper guidance to help unlock unlimited potential.  A coach should possess exemplary skills and knowledge.  His/her unique experience in your field and can help illuminate your ideas and provide specific strategies on how to accomplish your goals. Just like sports players need coaches to help them to be players and win championships, businesswomen need coaches to help their businesses excel.

Two heads are better than one

A surgeon would have a hard time trying to perform his own surgery even with all the skills, and knowledge he may have. He will another possibly more experienced surgeon or team of surgeons and doctors to help.

Books, seminars, software can only help so much. The right coach will help you see and overcome challenges and obstacles and point you in the right direction for maximum success. And most of all, a coach can help you stay on course and accountable.

Coaches are a valuable resource

and having a good coach/mentor could determine the growth and success of your business.

We will select up to 12 coaches

We are seeking coaches that will give practical advice on their role and purpose and reasons why hiring a coach could be the best decision you could make for your business in 2020.

Why Should Women In Business Have Coaches? is the question and the title of an article that will include answers from coaches who answer that question in a thought-provoking paragraph, 75 words max. The article will be featured in our January issue. ( Submissions over word-count will not be accepted)

Instructions: Each coach should submit their piece with an attention-grabbing title (Not more than 70 characters) and an interesting article that gives their perspective on coaching and why women in business could benefit from a coach or mentor. It should not be salsy, but rather an informative piece that adds interest and value. Add your website and one social media link.  (Only the website address will be included in the printed magazine, website and one social media w/links will be included in the online edition)

In addition to the magazine and online feature, the coaches’ features will be randomly shared individually on social media!

 This featured will also be viewable on our website.

Secure your spot with payment now and submit your piece by Sunday, January 5 @8 pm PST .  Please submit your payment and form below.


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Annette Watson-Johnson
Dr. Yolanda Jerry Henderson
Zhe Scott the SEO Queen Courageous Woman Magazine

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