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Yolanda Jerry
Speaker, Author, Life Coach, and CEO/Founder of YJ Empowerment Solutions

Yolanda Jerry is a SURVIVOR and an OVERCOMER! She survived a physically and verbally abusive marriage. On average, a woman leaves and returns to an abusive partner seven times before leaving for good, according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Yolanda shares that she was among that statistic. “I was that women who would try to leave but felt trapped, or I would leave then end up going right back. Eventually, I got tired of the abuse, and my daughter was my saving grace. It was nothing but God who used my her to get through to me. Just hearing her scream at the top of her lungs crying was enough. At that point, I had no choice but to leave.” Having kids witness abusive relationships can be a tragedy. Yolanda says that she had to think about the overall effect it was having on her child. “It was not about me; it was about saving my life to be a loving mother to her. I finally gained the courage to call a close friend for help, and I never turned back.” Despite Yolanda’s rough journey through domestic abuse, she powered through; she did it, and she works to let other women know they can, too. Today, she advocates for other women of domestic violence.

Tell me about your business.

I am a speaker, author, life coach, and CEO/Founder of YJ Empowerment Solutions.  YJ Empowerment Solutions envisions a life after and free from violence, assault and depression. We do that by empowering victims/survivors by leading from the inside to move from a traumatic experience to confidence in self. We offer services that support, guide/coach, inspire and empower victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and bullying.  We mentor, educate, and inspire youth by volunteering at local schools and speaking with different youth groups. We empower people through our services, our initiatives within the community and beyond, live events, and our various life coaching programs. Our goal is to help others heal and birth what is already inside of them so they achieve their goals personally and professionally. We also create leaders and advocates for domestic violence and sexual assault.

What motivated you to start this business?

My motivation is I have a passion in helping others. Sometimes in life, we may get to a point where we feel stuck and just need the extra PUSH to know we don’t need to stay where we are, and life is all about living it out loud as if it is your last. I know life isn’t perfect by any means, but you can always find the positive out of any negative situation, even if it’s only God!

What do you hope people will gain from your business?

I hope people gain confidence, more self-love and know it’s about what they want for themselves, not what I want for them. I want them to birth what’s truly inside of them…lead from the inside out. Move from that traumatic experience so they can grow personally and/or professionally. I want them to gain knowledge in knowing my business isn’t just all about money; it’s truly about empowering people to know they are more than a conqueror and they can truly overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

Who inspires you the most?

MY PARENTS inspire me.  My mother is a STRONG woman, and she always found a way to make things happen even if she didn’t have it. She always keeps a smile on her face no matter how hard times get. She endured a lot over her lifetime, but she is still standing. My deceased father, who passed in August 2017, was my biggest supporter, mentor, and inspiration as well. He was a God-fearing man and loved me unconditionally. He always motivated me to accomplish my goals. I carry him in my heart, and I know who is always with me in spirit.

Were there times when you wanted to give up If so, what helped you keep going?

In life, YES! But that was years ago, again when I was in my abusive marriage. But God saved me!!! In business, no! I always go back and reflect on the things my parents accomplished in their years to make a better life for me; therefore, I will never give up. I want to have a legacy to leave behind, and plus, I have many others who look up to me, so I can’t give up now!

What encouraging words do you have for someone who wants to give up?

If you need to take a break to refocus and regroup, do that! But, DO NOT give up on what you have a passion for.  So, start networking and reaching out to other women who have been in business for a while to gain some of their knowledge on their struggles and successes. Get literature on building businesses and educate yourself even more. The only person who can get in the way of your success is you. Remember, when you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

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