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4 Books You Should Read This Summer

 WE LOVE BOOKS!! Every month we feature some of the best of the best books and celebrate the authors.

I Ain’t Me NO MORE

Helen wasn’t just born the devious vixen of New Day Temple of Faith. There has to be something rooted deep within her to make her feed off of the pain she inflicts on other people. Perhaps it is her own pain that she has suppressed for so many years. It’s an unimaginable pain that creates an internal prison in which her mind is the only captive. Whatever the cause, once the demons within her break free, those around her better beware.
Helen feels no shame about the fact that she hasn’t been saved. Will the divas of New Day Temple of Faith think Helen is worth saving? More importantly, can God save Helen from not only her evil past but from herself?

E.N. Joy – www

The Baptist Junkie

It’s 1968, Brenda Wilson, the youngest of four children, was raised in the church with high expectations by her father, Deacon John Wilson. Brenda walked the path of the straight and narrow until her rebellious ways got the best of her. At sixteen, Brenda gets pregnant, and is unmarried, an issue that was frowned upon at that time in society. When she’s shunned by the church and rejected by the father of her unborn child, her life spirals down a dark path and she turns to drugs in hopes to remedy her pain. From the church house to the dope house, Brenda’s quest for acceptance and self-worth leads her to a spiritual standstill. Will she redeem herself and her faith in God?

Telishia Berry –


 The worst part of Julie Sharpe’s new life as a single mom was the loneliness. Every night, after her daughter went to bed, it was as if the outside world ceased to exist. Being a mother would always be her top priority, but the human body doesn’t come with an off switch. Telling herself she didn’t miss an adult conversation or physical affection didn’t make it true. She was becoming isolated and depressed and, the truth is, being alone for so long was making her miserable to the point of desperation…and desperation leads to some really bad choices. An erotic, page-turning thriller, REGRET proves once again that Timothy Allen Smith is a master storyteller absolutely at the top of his game.

Timothy Allen Smith –


Nobody Told Me I Was A Queen –

This book follows the lives of three women who are friends drawn together because they share something that is so common with women. The word “abuse” is defined in the lives of these women and will change them forever. This is the first book in this trilogy.

PJ Richardson –

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Here’s what’s included in a book feature:

Feature #1
1. Your Book featured in the CW digital issue and in “Book Features” section
2. Article about the author on our website
3. Book Eblast profile to our mailing that includes links to your website
Cost: $59

Feature #2
1. Your Book featured in the CW digital issue and in “Book Features” section
2. Article about the author on our website
3. Feature article in digital magazine
4. Book Eblast profile to our mailing that includes links to your website
5. Podcast interview. Available at anytime online
6. YouTube interview. Available at anytime online

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