Who is Christy Sanderson?

I’m 28 years old and I’m from a small town in Mississippi. When I was 8 years old, my life story begins. My mother died in front of my face while I was talking to her from a disease called Lupus. There were never really any positive role models or females in my life. When I was 11 my grandmother died of Cancer. By the time I was 14, my family told me I was nothing and I would grow up to be nothing. They called me everything but my name, they turned completely against me. As a result, my self-esteem was completely shot. In life, I always felt like I wasn’t pretty enough, thick enough, tall enough or good enough for anything. I turned to ungodly things for love or attention. By the time I was 19 years old, I became a mother. By the time I was 23 years old, I tried to commit suicide.

My turning point was when God and I met face to face. That’s when I finally said, “I surrender to Your Will, I will do whatever you say.” At that time, I was tired, heartbroken and I was tired of living life in sin. I went through Hell. I was living from place to place. There were times I remember sleeping on someone’s floor. There were days I would go hungry just so my son would have food to eat. Finally, I told God it has to be a better way out, I didn’t care what I had to do I had to make a better future for my son and me. At this time, I had no choice but to stepped out on faith, I moved to Atlanta, Ga, I knew no one there. I was hired in education but that still wasn’t enough. I was tired of living from paycheck to paycheck, so I asked God to open more doors for me and that’s when I became a self-published author. After that my life changed forever. I became an entrepreneur and my ministry started growing. No matter what you have been through God will make a way for you. Once you see an opportunity that comes your way, take action. God says all things are possible through him.
“Trust me you can win. Change your life and walk into your purpose!”

I’m an author, entrepreneur, and public speaker. At the young age of 23, I fully committed myself to God, letting Him take total control of my life, and started my own ministry, Glory Nation. My life purpose and mission are to experience and share God’s Glory, to fulfill God’s promises, and to help others become closer to Jesus Christ to find their life purpose.

CW: What motivates you to do the work you do?
My son Zechariah motivates me to do the work that I do so I can build a better future and a foundation for my son in future generations.

CW: Tell us about your most recent books
Christy: My new book From Nothing into the Woman of God part 2!!! Who is this small-town girl? Where does she come from? What’s makes her so special or different from me? Find out how this small-town girl moved from Mississippi to Atlanta with no job and no money, how she went from sleeping on a floor into prosperity? In this book Author Christy Sanderson reveals all her secrets. It gives in-depth details on how she stepped out on faith with Boldness and didn’t allow anyone or anything to block her from her destiny. Why do you allow the enemy to block your Blessings? Of course, we all know Why! It’s because of FEAR! Now Christy will tell you how to remove the spirit of Fear from your life to reach your full potential when all odds are against you!

CW: What is one of the most courageous things you’ve done?
Christy: One of the most courageous things I have done is when I surrender my life completely over to God when I reached the lowest point of my life.

CW:What is your definition of a courageous woman?
My definition of a courageous woman is a fierce woman who is not afraid to take risks and will not allow anything bad to stop her. She is on fire for the Lord and she is a walking a bible. It’s about helping others and forgiving others even after they hurt you
CW: How can readers connect with you?
Website: www.glorynation.org Facebook: Christy Sanderson Instagram: Gracefulprincess

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