I took a risk in November 2010 to bet on me 110% to make me a better person and find the JOY I was entitled to. It was scary when I realized I had to pull back so many layers of hurt, pain, unforgiveness, darkness, hate, distrust, etc.


Taking a risk on my life journey one step at a time has led me to find my inner self, self-worth, self-pride, and most of all, self-love. Taking a risk, you never know where it will lead you. God has truly blessed me mentally, spiritually, and emotionally through my inner healing. I have been blessed with an amazing platform where I can share my story. Black Business Women Rock 501c3 is an organization that serves to cultivate connections and offer opportunities for entrepreneurs all over the world. I thank God for allowing me to see all my blessing. It was worth taking the RISK.

“Everything you want is on the other side of FEAR.”   -Jack Canfield



About Black Business Women Rock

My passion for giving back inspired the concept for Black Business Women Rock. With my team, I’m driving an agenda of self-love, unity, and entrepreneurship. BBWR Network started in my backyard and has grown into a highly attended annual conference and expo. I think what sets me apart from others is to impress the customer at every opportunity. This includes the quality of my product or service when I have the opportunity. Also, stepping back and allowing others to shine their light. When you take care of the village in return the village will take care of you. It’s become a win, win situation. I’m most excited about hope is still alive and we have the opportunity to be better than we were yesterday. I got here in my business by understanding I wanted more for myself. Patience, determination, discipline, prayer, boundaries, and doing the work got me here in my life and business. Most challenges are not easy. The focus is to win and learn from the lesson and blessings that will come your way. Be grateful for your struggles. I learned that hard work will pay off and it will get easier if you hang in there and keep trying over and over and over again. As I continue to

 serve the world gracefully they will know I am you and you are me, trying to better while we leave our footsteps for someone else to follow.


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