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It’s Your Time!

Yes, it’s your time to be featured on the cover of a national publication that features hundreds of women from around the world. When you’re featured on a Courageous Woman Magazine cover you and your business get exposed to thousands of people worldwide that may want to connect with you, patronize your business, invite you to be part of their events, interviewed on their podcast, and more.  If you’re a coach, being on the cover of a magazine may help increase your credibility and potential clients. The possibilities are limitless when you get publicity and exposure.  The 7-week series of cover stories will include 7 amazing women.

We have a great team to help promote your brand! We’ve hired a top social media expert to help us maximize a full week of promotions for each of the 7 women.  You will grace the cover for an issue in the 7-week series that will be distributed online. You will be included in an additional issue that will be available in print. Think about it. This is a great opportunity for your business!  You will get promos for a full week!

The Rule of 7 is a marketing principle that states that your prospects need to come across your offer at least seven times before they really notice it and start to take action. That’s why we created the 7 cover stories in 7 weeks project. Each woman will 7 posts in 7 days. Yes, 7 is the lucky number.

How do we select the cover stories?

We look for great stories of courage, great businesses, and experts in fields that interest women. We like high-quality PHOTOS. No selfies please.

Submit TODAY.

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Annette Watson-Johnson
Dr. Yolanda Jerry Henderson
Zhe Scott the SEO Queen Courageous Woman Magazine

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