About Dr. Nora Shariff Borden
She is an Entrepreneur, Author, and Inspirational Speaker. For 18 years, Nora was a practicing Muslim in the Islamic religion, trying to find out who God was. The seed of Christianity was planted in her life over 31 years ago when she joined Mary Kay. Today she’s so proud to say that she is a fiery, faith-walking Christian, an inspirational speaker positively impacting the lives of all those she has the privilege to touch.
Connect with Dr. Nora
BWOTMFG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bwotmfg
BWOTMFG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BusinessWomenontheMoveforGod
BWOTMFG LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bwotmfg
Pinterest: https://pin.it/1XccGjO
One God TV Network: https://www.onegodtvnetwork.com/real-conversations-with-nora