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Nora Shariff Borden Courageous Woman Magazine
  I believe my faith is stored in my heart and spoken through my words, which keeps them working together. My dream will become a reality when I believe with my heart and say it with my mouth. I consistently work on my words, which helps me walk by faith, not sight. This allows me to focus on the promises of God and not my circumstances. I believe that my faith allows me to see all that God has for me, where my circumstances keep me in the space of mediocrity. I believe that it doesn’t matter what I see when I continue to speak the truth. The Bible tells me faith is the substance of the things hoped for but certain of what I do not see. I have learned that I don’t have to see it; I just have to believe that all things are possible. Every day I boldly confess what I believe God for. My faith has taught me to call those things that are not as though they are. Because my words express my faith, I must watch the words that come out of my mouth. I want to encourage you to find words that make you feel powerful about who you are and confess them daily.
Nora Shariff Borden Courageous Women Speak

About Dr. Nora Shariff Borden

She is an Entrepreneur, Author, and Inspirational Speaker. For 18 years, Nora was a practicing Muslim in the Islamic religion, trying to find out who God was. The seed of Christianity was planted in her life over 31 years ago when she joined Mary Kay. Today she’s so proud to say that she is a fiery, faith-walking Christian, an inspirational speaker positively impacting the lives of all those she has the privilege to touch.


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