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As a mom of 4, I wanted to figure out how to make money 100% online.

I was tired of hopping on planes, going to meetings, and being away from my family. I set out on a quest to figure out how to make millions without leaving my home. I am happy to say that I cracked the code. Now, I spend my days teaching people how to make money online.  

Some things come along in the workplace that disappears as quickly as they come. Things like treadmill desks and open office concepts are simply trends that came along in the last decade or so and may vanish in time. Working remotely is not one of these trends. Working remotely is much more than a passing fad; it is the new normal in work culture and will only continue to drastically change the way we work and live in the future. Working remotely is here to stay.  


Why Working Remotely is at an All-time High

There are many reasons that remote work and working from home are more than a trend. The way business works in 2020 makes working from home sensible for so many reasons. Here are three of the main reasons working remotely is at an all-time high.


Online business. The internet has changed the way we do business and has put both companies and clients just a click away. In the U.S. alone, consumers spent over $600 billion online, which is an almost 15% increase from the year before. When so much business is done on computers, an office or a storefront is no longer a necessity. 


Home-based business. The gig economy has changed the way people work and changed 57 million Americans entrepreneurs. Add that to the 600,000 plus businesses started each year – many of them from home – and you can see why home businesses have become a way of life.  


Remote work for corporate employees. It is a win-win situation for both employer and employee. Employers save on office space, salary, and perks while also experiencing less absenteeism and turnover. Remote employees have more freedom, independence, less commuting stress, and a better work/life balance. It is a setup that is good for all. 


 Why You Should Get Ahead of the Trend

In addition to all the benefits discussed above, there are several additional reasons you should be getting ahead of the remote work trend in 2020. On the personal side, it saves you money on commuting, and studies show it leads to better mental health. On the professional side, remote workers are more productive, and since they cost employers less, their jobs will be safer if a company has to tighten its budget or the economy slows.


 Who Will Get Left Behind

 The short answer is anyone who is not able to show they can at least handle a partially remote work schedule. Adaptability and flexibility are two of the most valued soft skills in the workplace today. If you are not able to handle remote work as it becomes more prevalent and more employers start to want it as much as employees, you will be one of the workers who get left behind. Also, if you have any dreams of being an entrepreneur or working for yourself, the ability to work from home is key.  



As popular as remote work is in 2020, it is not about that. Getting ahead of the remote work trend in 2020 is crucial for 2021, 2030, and beyond. Remote work is here to stay, and it is the way of the future.


If you want to learn how to make money from home, get in touch with Pasha Carter.


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