Dr. Joi L. Brown


It’s a new year.  A new year brings new excitement and anticipation of a new beginning. At the start of a new year, we tell ourselves, “This year I’m going to…This year I want to… or I am no longer….”  This year let’s start with our mindset on “More in 2024,” as a theme for the year.  In 2024, declare dreams, aspirations, and goals will be achieved and this year will be the best year of my life. 

Here are five steps to having more in 2024:

  1. Reflect on the wheel of life. Identify your current state versus your desired state in important areas of your life–family, career, finances, health, self-care, social life, personal growth, spiritual, and mental health.  This is a vital step in the process of setting new goals for you in the new year. 
  2. Write down your SMART goals.  
  • Be Specific- goals should answer what you want to accomplish.   
  • Make it Measurable- quantify the tracking of a goal to see progress towards it. Remember what gets measured gets done.  
  • Make it Achievable- make sure the goal is something you can achieve.
  • Realistic- determine its importance to your life, the relevance is essential to goal setting.    
  • Time-bound- setting a specific deadline (e.g., date and time) for accomplishment.     
  1. Write and See the Vision. You must “write the vision and make it plain.”  Creating a vision for your life allows dreams, aspirations, and goals to manifest into reality.  Posting your vision board serves as motivation to keep moving forward.
  2. Seek an Accountability Partner.   Identify a coach, mentor, or trusted friend who can hold you accountable for reaching your goals.  Accountability partners will be encouragers and your support system to ensure you reach your goals.  When you feel like giving up, they will inspire you to keep going and that you can do it.
  3. Be Able to Shift.  Change is inevitable in life.  It is okay to redo or revise a goal or vision that you have.  “You are the author of your life.  If you want something changed, you have the “power of the pen to change the narrative.”  From time to time, shifting goals is part of the story of life. Shifting allows you to:
  • Redo something differently.  
  • Refocus on what’s important to you.  
  • Renew your motivation or action to achieve.  

Declare it, “I will have more in 2024.”   Need a coach or accountability partner, contact me at www.3eeeconsulting.com  

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