Dr. Stephanie Wall
I was humbled and grateful when I received my Honorary Doctorate from Trinity International University School of Business. It has added value to my life as it relates to my resume, title & influence. It has opened doors that may have otherwise been closed to me. This honor acknowledges my achievements and serves as a reminder of how far I’ve come. Like so many, I was raised in a family with humble beginnings, which faced many challenges. We all have a story; mine begins with me not giving up on my dreams.
“Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic self. We must learn to respect them. We must learn to listen”
–Sarah Ban Breathnach
Bet On You
My story is proof that anything is possible if you’re willing to work and believe you deserve it. There was a time when I didn’t think I deserved this high honor.
I’m committed to using my platform to inspire others to pursue their dreams. I want to show people that it’s never too late to achieve their goals. Receiving this honorary doctorate was a thrilling moment in my life. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story and motivate others to do as Les Brown says, “Shoot for the moon and fall among the stars.” Never stop betting on yourself. Lean on your faith. I am on a mission to transform the world of one million women. They call me the “Transformation Architect.” For more information, visit my website at https://speakerstephanie.com . #sayitbelieveitdoit