When the Doctorate Grows Your Mission
with Dr. Erica Perry Green
Healthcare Executive, CEO & Publisher, Business & Marketing Coach, Philanthropist
They say it’s a blessing to receive your roses while you can still smell them, well I can truly say that sometimes, a rose can shift your entire perspective. As an entrepreneur and philanthropist, working to support women over the last decade, I understand that being the CEO is not about the accolades, but about those that you serve. As the CEO of SHERO Coaching, providing coaching and support to hundreds of women in launching and growing profitable businesses and SHERO Publishing, supporting women to unleash their stories or expertise to the world in 60 days, I work with my team to serve women globally. My reward comes in seeing women becoming successful entrepreneurs. To that end, I was truly humbled when I was nominated and conferred an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy with a focus in Entrepreneurship from Trinity International School of Business. Just knowing that my work to build a generation of women entrepreneurs was recognized truly grew my internal fire to show other women how to gain independence and leave generational legacies. My goal, in 2022, is to assist 1000 women, through my business coaching and publishing services. I want women to know that their long hours and dedication to launch are growing into something much bigger than they can even imagine. I want to motivate them to know that it’s worth it! This Dr. is ready to support women globally!
Ready to launch your business or leverage published works to grow your product line and passive income, contact Dr. Erica Perry Green at www.drericapgreen.com and sheropublishing.com and on social media via Facebook: @ericaperrygreen & Instagram: @ericapgreen

“A Courageous Woman is one that will move with unrelenting faith towards her goals and then reach back to pull her sister forward.”